Making a game in G3D
Hello this may not be the best place to ask about this but since I''m looking at using the G3D engine for my game I thought I might try and see if you guys can offer me any help... Ok here I go. I''m looking at making a RPG using the Genesis3D engine but I don''t know how to program but I''m trying to learn, the problem is I can''t find any tutoials, SDK''s, GDK''s or any other form of info on programing in the machanics of my game such as inventory, player stats, NPC comunication and other game world machanics. So what I''m wondering is if any of you could please recomend any *comprehencive* books, websites, tutorials, library''s SDK''s, or GDK''s that would teach me how to program the game machanics for games RPG''s in particular, in VC++, and/or OOP. complexity is not an issue. Thank you all very much for your time.
Are you familiar with any sort of programming language? That would be the first step. I would suggest having pretty good command over whatever language you choose for undertaking graphics work. Most here seem to be going the C/C++ route. There are a million good books out there.
Well.....I hate to do this to someone who''s got a good idea, and wishes to make his idea into a game. But I''d feel bad if I didn''t advise you against starting this project until your ready for it. Most beginners who start RPG''s never finish their game, because it ends up being more difficult than they expected. They also can''t keep their development team togeather. Personaly I think that staring an RPG game in 3d is even worse! You''d be amazed at the ammount of programming that goes into something as simple as PONG. If you want to continue learning I''d suggest putting this RPG on the back burner for a while. Get yourself "Tricks Of the Windows Game Programming Gurus", "C++ Primer Plus", "Code Complete", and a good math book which will cover everything from algebra to trig. A physics book wouldn''t hurt either. Then I''d start making some 2d games, maybe some tetris game just to see if you can get sound, graphics etc up and running with direct draw. Then maybe you''ll be ready to start doing some simple games in genesis. I wouldn''t create something as advanced as a RPG first though. I might create a 3d pong just so I could figure out how the engine works, how to do collision detection in 3d, how to place textures on objects, ect....After that you should be ready to create your RPG. I havent'' seen any articles on creating your own inventory system, but if you learn the fundamentals of a computer language you''ll have a real good idea of how to create one. I hope this helps you out. I don''t want anyone to start something they can''t finish and get all frustrated about it.
Joseph FernaldSoftware EngineerRed Storm Entertainment.------------------------The opinions expressed are that of the person postingand not that of Red Storm Entertainment.
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