#include <windows.h>
#include <windowsx.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
LRESULT CALLBACK WinProc(HWND hwnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wparam, LPARAM lparam)
HDC hdc;
return 0;
} break;
case WM_PAINT:
hdc = BeginPaint(hwnd,&ps);
return 0;
return 0;
}//close switch
} //close winproc
int WINAPI WinMain(HINSTANCE hinstance, HINSTANCE hprevinstance,
LPSTR cmdline, int cmdshow)
WNDCLASSEX winclass;
HWND hwnd;
MSG msg;
winclass.cbSize = sizeof(WNDCLASSEX);
winclass.lpfnWndProc = WinProc;
winclass.cbClsExtra = 0;
winclass.cbWndExtra = 0;
winclass.hIcon = LoadIcon(NULL, IDI_APPLICATION);
winclass.hCursor = LoadCursor(NULL, IDC_ARROW);
winclass.hbrBackground = (HBRUSH)GetStockObject(BLACK_BRUSH);
winclass.lpszMenuName = NULL;
winclass.lpszClassName = "winclass";
winclass.hIconSm = LoadIcon(NULL, IDI_APPLICATION);
return 0;
if(!(hwnd = CreateWindowEx(NULL,
"WINCLASSEX1", //clss name
"Your Basic Window", //title
0,0, //x,y starting coordinates
400,400, //width and hieght of window
NULL, //handle to parent
NULL, // handle to menu
hinstance, // insance of this application
NULL))) //extra creation params.
return 0;
Edited by - Nothingness on October 1, 2001 7:42:06 PM
It wont show.....
I am just learning how to make a window, and the first one i made had no errors, but the window wont show up. Also the size of it is huge, the *.exe is 153kb and that has to be to big for a window that does nothing!
Heres the source for the window
October 01, 2001 07:08 PM
Call these two functions right after you call the createwindowEx function:
ShowWindow (hwnd, cmdshow);
UpdateWindow (hwnd);
I''m learning the Win32 api right now and I took a look at my basic applications that are similar to yours and the executables were around the same size as yours (152kb). So it''s probably normal.
ShowWindow (hwnd, cmdshow);
UpdateWindow (hwnd);
I''m learning the Win32 api right now and I took a look at my basic applications that are similar to yours and the executables were around the same size as yours (152kb). So it''s probably normal.
As the AP has said, you need to call ShowWindow() to display the window. As for the "huge" size of the executable for a window that "does nothing", that window has set up a message queue with the operating system directing appropriatve events to it. All that takes up code (but it''s done for you so you don''t notice it).
What, did you think libraries and DLLs were empty?
What, did you think libraries and DLLs were empty?
In the WNDCLASS structure you set the Class Name to "winclass", while in the CreateWindowEx call you specify the Class Name to be "WINCLASSEX1". These two strings must be the same for the window to be created properly. The string you pass in the function call is used as an id, so that Windows knows which WNDCLASS to use for the new window.
AHHHH!!!! it still dosent work! I''m so fustrated. I cant make a little window show up! I did all that you all said, and still, it says nothing is wrong but then the window dosent show. Im so fustrated!
YES!! I figured out why it wont show, i missed one of the part of the window class. (winclass.hInstance = hinstance)
the reason your exe is so big is because you are compiling it in debug mode. try going to project->set active mode or something and set to release mode.
October 01, 2001 08:48 PM
I''ll give it another try. Some of these suggestions might not be related to your problem but try them just in case.
You can take out all those break statements that you have in the switch statement. They are not needed. The return statements are sufficient. Just have your switch statement with the 3 messages your currently processing and at the end return the DefWindowProc like your doing. You can take out the default:break; line also.
The register and CreateWindowEx function could be failing for some reason and you wouldn''t know because all you do is return 0. Your program might not be getting past that point. So I suggest adding a call to the MessageBox function to each of those if statements. Just have it display a simple message like "register function failed". Don''t forget to add curly braces for the if statement since it''s more than one line now.
Also, after you launch your program hit ctrl-alt-del to see the list of currently running programs and check if your program is on there.
I don''t see what else could be wrong. If this still doesn''t help, I would suggest posting your code again with all of the corrections that everyone has said.
You can take out all those break statements that you have in the switch statement. They are not needed. The return statements are sufficient. Just have your switch statement with the 3 messages your currently processing and at the end return the DefWindowProc like your doing. You can take out the default:break; line also.
The register and CreateWindowEx function could be failing for some reason and you wouldn''t know because all you do is return 0. Your program might not be getting past that point. So I suggest adding a call to the MessageBox function to each of those if statements. Just have it display a simple message like "register function failed". Don''t forget to add curly braces for the if statement since it''s more than one line now.
Also, after you launch your program hit ctrl-alt-del to see the list of currently running programs and check if your program is on there.
I don''t see what else could be wrong. If this still doesn''t help, I would suggest posting your code again with all of the corrections that everyone has said.
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