If you hear a good idea you will automatically remember it and incorporate it into one of your own ideas and you might not even know it.
Lost Garden: Why you should share your game designs.
Indie Fund: The worth(lessness) of NDAs
Tom Sloper's Game FAQ's: Don't suffer from "stupid paranoia" (or other "stupid wanna-be mistakes")
These are all written by experienced and successful designers or developers with a proven track record. You're welcome to do as you wish, and you certainly don't have to share -- it can even be good to keep some things secret -- but a lot of people who know what they're talking about disagree with the idea that you should keep your designs secret, or that sharing them will be harmful to you.
You will also never achieve anything by telling random people on the internet all your ideas.[/quote]
You won't achieve anything by just telling random people your ideas -- games are made by putting in the hard work to develop them, not just by talking -- but you certainly won't stop yourself from achieving anything, and you may well get some good feedback that takes your idea from good to brilliant!
Just my 2c.