
GameDev Chat Nazis

Started by January 08, 2012 07:47 PM
32 comments, last by jpetrie 12 years, 8 months ago
...That was the point - the first line of my post is intentional nonsense to poke fun at the name-calling quote.

So if someone kicks the president in the balls they should be given candy? Is that what you're saying? WTF man?

You read my response wrong. mdwh said that punishments are not necessary if the infraction has already been committed. In his example he said that if someone brags about piracy then the infraction has already been committed so kicking "does nothing". My comment was that he was being naive in taking that stance since if it's applied to other similar infractions, such as linking porn, then it doesn't hold. All it shows me is that mdwh has a soft spot for piracy.

Since Hodgman thought I was giving an analogy earlier I'll give a way to somewhat prove mdwh's bias. Replace 1 TB of pirated material in the OPs statement with 1 TB of child porn, another illegal activity. Most people instantly would be shocked. However, both are illegal things to have on one's computer, but for some reason people in this thread are taking the viewpoint that piracy isn't as bad and thus not a kickable offense.

...That was the point - the first line of my post is intentional nonsense to poke fun at the name-calling quote.

I'm sorry to mdwh for saying "dense". I didn't interpret it directly as name calling when I typed it, but I see your point. His comment sounded like he'd support a channel that allowed people to brag about piracy. I have my own bias against piracy that kind of slipped.

Replace 1 TB of pirated material in the OPs statement with 1 TB of child porn, another illegal activity. Most people instantly would be shocked. However, both are illegal things to have on one's computer, but for some reason people in this thread are taking the viewpoint that piracy isn't as bad and thus not a kickable offense.

This is a very bad analogy. There is an entire universe of difference between music piracy and child pornography.
Most people instantly would be shocked.
There's still a difference between admitting to being a law-breaker (in the context of discussing whether a law is being heavily enforced) and providing assistance for breaking a law. In that kind of discussion, it really shouldn't matter what kind of law you're discussing at all - you're discussing the law, not promoting ways to violate it.

N.B. I'm not saying the OP shouldn't have been kicked from IRC here - cliquey chat rooms can do what they want.

However, if there's a serious admission, like child abuse, then you probably shouldn't kick them in order to log as much info as possible, and should instead inform an admin to grab their IP and send the logs to the police tongue.png

I think what mdwh was saying isn't that a kick "does nothing" in regards to the IRC rule of not promoting piracy, but that it does nothing about the fact that the user in question has already committed the piracy. That is, that the IRC rule has not prevented any piracy in this case, and thus isn't it's enforcement/non-enforcement hasn't achieved anything.

[quote name='Sirisian' timestamp='1326395714' post='4902073']
There aren't that many OPs. It's just Washu, Zao, MaulingMonkey, Oluseyi, Gachuk, Jpetrie, RedBeard, and sometimes April usually in the channel.

I should turn up again sometime, see if my ops are still alive... biggrin.png
You're still +o.

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