
Loyalty and cowardace in America

Started by November 10, 2011 04:36 AM
50 comments, last by ChaosEngine 12 years, 10 months ago

[quote name='ManOfThePast' timestamp='1321243929' post='4883639']
You claim we are focused on Joe and not the victims. No, sir, that's you.

Yeah, funny how claiming that the media is behaving worse than a child rapist makes someone think that you don't care about the victims. I don't need other people to tell me that you, not anyone else in your school, but you in particular have gotten so invested in your defense of a person who failed morally big time, that you've forgotten the real victims here. Children were raped here. This is the worst part. Not the media's behavior, not even your own rabid, unthinking defense of a person who failed to protect them. Unless you can get that through your head then your defense of your hero will always ring false and people who agree with you will likely be screaming "stop trying to help!" Unlike you, I don't group all defenders of Paterno as thinking the same way. I'm disgusted specifically with your behavior. Claiming other people have raised money doesn't defend your dismissal of child abuse. There are good Penn Staters. You're not one of them.

You must be thinking I'm somebody else then. I never dismissed child abuse, and never will. It was horrible. I don't know what your problem is but you seem to have a lot of hatred in you, and I hope you get better.

Edit: And yes, as an alumni I donated to RAINN. Stop stereotyping me.

I never dismissed child abuse, and never will.

Actually, yes, you did.

Also, the media has basically ignored all the good that comes from Penn State. That's what is the worst part.
Emphasis added.

But when it happens on mutlitple occassions, spanning years, and you know about those incidents, then you should inform the police. He failed on point two.

Is that the case? From what I have read the university was only aware of the isolated incident (as far as anyone knows).

I also don't see how Paterno is suddenly without blame but those who are higher-up aren't. McQueary, Paterno, Curley, Schultz, and Spanier all are guilty of the same thing.

Curley & Schultz were charged with perjury as well for lying to the grand jury about what happened.

[quote name='ManOfThePast' timestamp='1321289121' post='4883824']
I never dismissed child abuse, and never will.

Actually, yes, you did.

Also, the media has basically ignored all the good that comes from Penn State. That's what is the worst part.
Emphasis added.

That's not dismissing child abuse. I hate what happened to the children. I also hate what happened to our school. I don't get why you get all riled up about which is worse --- get over it. It's all bad. I can't change what happened to the children, but I can change what people think about the school.

[quote name='SiCrane' timestamp='1321289200' post='4883825']
[quote name='ManOfThePast' timestamp='1321289121' post='4883824']
I never dismissed child abuse, and never will.

Actually, yes, you did.

Also, the media has basically ignored all the good that comes from Penn State. That's what is the worst part.
Emphasis added.

That's not dismissing child abuse. I hate what happened to the children. I also hate what happened to our school. I don't get why you get all riled up about which is worse --- get over it. It's all bad.
It's the difference between saying "Oh, gee, these floods in thailand are really horrible -- the worst part is the rise in HDD prices!" and "These floods in thailand are horrible for all the people who have lost their lives and the many more who have lost their jobs and homes."

All of it revolves around the matter of perspective. Your perspective seem to focus on protecting your schools reputation above all...

"I will personally burn everything I've made to the fucking ground if I think I can catch them in the flames."
~ Gabe
"I don't mean to rush you but you are keeping two civilizations waiting!"
~ Cavil, BSG.
"If it's really important to you that other people follow your True Brace Style, it just indicates you're inexperienced. Go find something productive to do."
[size=2]~ Bregma

"Well, you're not alone.

There's a club for people like that. It's called Everybody and we meet at the bar[size=2]."

[size=2]~ [size=1]Antheus

That's not dismissing child abuse. I hate what happened to the children. I also hate what happened to our school. I don't get why you get all riled up about which is worse --- get over it.[/quote]
So you hate child abuse. But still think it's not as bad as media coverage. So people justifiably stating that a man has set a bad example for his school and community is worse than actual raping of children. Yes, oddly enough, people will think that's dismissing child abuse. The fact that you've never said you actually believe child abuse is worse than the media coverage when addressing this quote over multiple posts also lends credence to the fact that yes, you don't believe raping of children is that bad. And yes, I get riled up over the fact that someone believes that bad press for their school is worse than the rape of children, and I'm not going to "get over it". You do not "get over it" when dealing with child abuse. The fact that you would even think such a thing just proves how little you care.

[quote name='Alpha_ProgDes' timestamp='1321287164' post='4883811']
But when it happens on mutlitple occassions, spanning years, and you know about those incidents, then you should inform the police. He failed on point two.

Is that the case? From what I have read the university was only aware of the isolated incident (as far as anyone knows).[/quote]
True, officially the university only caught him that one time.

I also don't see how Paterno is suddenly without blame but those who are higher-up aren't. McQueary, Paterno, Curley, Schultz, and Spanier all are guilty of the same thing.

Curley & Schultz were charged with perjury as well for lying to the grand jury about what happened.
Though, doing that would lead many to believe that they (Paterno, Curley, Schultz, and Spanier) know about more than that one incident. Granted I don't know who was interviewed first.

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That's not dismissing child abuse. I hate what happened to the children. I also hate what happened to our school. I don't get why you get all riled up about which is worse --- get over it.

So you hate child abuse. But still think it's not as bad as media coverage. So people justifiably stating that a man has set a bad example for his school and community is worse than actual raping of children. Yes, oddly enough, people will think that's dismissing child abuse. The fact that you've never said you actually believe child abuse is worse than the media coverage when addressing this quote over multiple posts also lends credence to the fact that yes, you don't believe raping of children is that bad. And yes, I get riled up over the fact that someone believes that bad press for their school is worse than the rape of children, and I'm not going to "get over it". You do not "get over it" when dealing with child abuse. The fact that you would even think such a thing just proves how little you care.

I care about what happened. I personally supported the fundraisers to help victims and raise awareness. That's not what this argument is about, and everytime you bring it back to the children it's frustrating because we both agree that what happened to the children was terrible. We both agree. I'm doing what I can. I didn't cause anything, and I'm still helping. I'll ask you, what have you done for the children? Caring is about more than words --- it's about action. Words mean nothing if they don't result in action. I've taken action. Have you? I spent many weekends in the rain and snow raising money for kids with cancer. Don't tell me I don't care about kids.

And besides that, I also care about Penn State's reputation. This is an amazing school with great people. I'm proud of the place I attended despite the few bad eggs. Seeing the media tarnish this place and culture has been incredibly frustrating. I hope you open your eyes a little.
I personally understand what you are saying. However, it seems your priorities are: 1-Penn State, 2-Children. As opposed to 1-Children, 2-Penn State. Which I think SiCrane has issue with. With that said, Paterno did a great injustice. And I'm referring to that one child. Someone who used to be part of his staff (less than a year since leaving position and was still a coach emertius with an office to boot) and helping to train young men, preyed on young children. He kept the problem in house, trying to take care of it quietly. Do you think that if Sandusky was caught doing that with Paterno's grandson, the result would have been the same? Though Penn State itself may be a great school with great people, the fact that you are rioting over someone who knowingly let his former staff continue to do this unabated is horrible. To say the least. Frankly, it's just as bad as the Vatican moving priests around instead of jailing them. And yes, I'm Catholic.

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[quote name='SiCrane' timestamp='1321291376' post='4883841']
That's not dismissing child abuse. I hate what happened to the children. I also hate what happened to our school. I don't get why you get all riled up about which is worse --- get over it.

So you hate child abuse. But still think it's not as bad as media coverage. So people justifiably stating that a man has set a bad example for his school and community is worse than actual raping of children. Yes, oddly enough, people will think that's dismissing child abuse. The fact that you've never said you actually believe child abuse is worse than the media coverage when addressing this quote over multiple posts also lends credence to the fact that yes, you don't believe raping of children is that bad. And yes, I get riled up over the fact that someone believes that bad press for their school is worse than the rape of children, and I'm not going to "get over it". You do not "get over it" when dealing with child abuse. The fact that you would even think such a thing just proves how little you care.

I care about what happened. I personally supported the fundraisers to help victims and raise awareness. That's not what this argument is about, and everytime you bring it back to the children it's frustrating because we both agree that what happened to the children was terrible. We both agree. I'm doing what I can. I didn't cause anything, and I'm still helping. I'll ask you, what have you done for the children? Caring is about more than words --- it's about action. Words mean nothing if they don't result in action. I've taken action. Have you? I spent many weekends in the rain and snow raising money for kids with cancer. Don't tell me I don't care about kids.

And besides that, I also care about Penn State's reputation. This is an amazing school with great people. I'm proud of the place I attended despite the few bad eggs. Seeing the media tarnish this place and culture has been incredibly frustrating. I hope you open your eyes a little.
The individual's action(s) reflects on the group, yes? Well, of course the school will lose reputation after this -- staff were literally incompetent or ignorant enough to avoid reporting child abuse. Once again, your school's reputation is irrelevant in comparison to that fact. It isn't just the fact that a child was abused, it goes further than that when it takes this long to get to the truth and, of course, people are going to cry foul on the school for not being more vigilant in their protection of the kid in question.

Does any of this bear any relevance at all though? I suggest you open your eyes and realize that a school's reputation rates just a tad bit lower than what's happened here...

"I will personally burn everything I've made to the fucking ground if I think I can catch them in the flames."
~ Gabe
"I don't mean to rush you but you are keeping two civilizations waiting!"
~ Cavil, BSG.
"If it's really important to you that other people follow your True Brace Style, it just indicates you're inexperienced. Go find something productive to do."
[size=2]~ Bregma

"Well, you're not alone.

There's a club for people like that. It's called Everybody and we meet at the bar[size=2]."

[size=2]~ [size=1]Antheus

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