
Loyalty and cowardace in America

Started by November 10, 2011 04:36 AM
50 comments, last by ChaosEngine 12 years, 10 months ago

Was this coach guy the only one who got the axe? Did the rest of these creeps get fired too?

Of the two indicted, Tim Curley, the athletic directory, has been placed on administrative leave and Gary Schultz, the VP, resigned. Graham Spanier, the president, was also ousted. Michael McQuery, the witness for the shower incident, is on leave and is in protective custody after receiving numerous threats. Current speculation is that McQuery's job is safe because of whistle blower protection laws. Though, if I were him, I'd quit and move far, far away because if he stays, sooner or later someone's going to come after him with a baseball bat or worse.

Number one, you shouldn't be shocked when a highly public major scandal ends a career, no matter how illustrious. That is just how shit works. Number two, the man failed to notify relevant authorities about sexual child abuse by his staff, or really do jack shit about it. The court system can establish his final guilt or not, but that's not "one mistake" and you do the school and the victims a massive disservice by saying that. Especially given that there were TEN incidents, not one.

So where is the line, huh? How many unreported child abuse instances would you like before the man got fired?

Read http://www.huffingto..._b_1085201.html

Also, the media has basically ignored all the good that comes from Penn State. That's what is the worst part.

No, I'm pretty sure the worst part involves pedophilia, or are you too busy shilling for your school that you forgot about that part?

[quote name='ManOfThePast' timestamp='1321240405' post='4883622']
Also, the media has basically ignored all the good that comes from Penn State. That's what is the worst part.

No, I'm pretty sure the worst part involves pedophilia, or are you too busy shilling for your school that you forgot about that part?

You sit there and spew words but you don't think for yourself. People are capable of holding two thoughts in their head at the same time. - Penn Staters raised over 300k for abuse victims since this happened - Over 10,000 people showed up to honor the victims on the Old Main lawn

We don't have to do this. None of us had anything to do with what happened. But we care.

You claim we are focused on Joe and not the victims. No, sir, that's you. We care plenty. And at the same time we also care about our school that we believe has good people and does good things. So stop being ignorant.

You claim we are focused on Joe and not the victims. No, sir, it's you. We care plenty. And we also care about our school that we believe has good people and does things. So stop being ignorant.
The original post in this thread is very clearly focused on 'JoePa', and doesn't acknowledge the victims' existence. Nobody blamed any of the Penn Staters (amongst which is my brother), until they had a riot by morons who think football is more important than child abuse. And yeah, people and reporting always focus on the negative aspects. That's not unique to you or your school.
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And we also care about our school that we believe has good people and does things

Have to say, I really don't understand this stupid rabid dedication to a particular university. Maybe it's a US thing - I had a blast studying, great people, great place, but the university itself? Meh. Pretty much everyone acknowledges it's gone downhill since then. And I don't particularly care.

[quote name='ManOfThePast' timestamp='1321243929' post='4883639']
You claim we are focused on Joe and not the victims. No, sir, it's you. We care plenty. And we also care about our school that we believe has good people and does things. So stop being ignorant.
The original post in this thread is very clearly focused on 'JoePa', and doesn't acknowledge the victims' existence. Nobody blamed any of the Penn Staters (amongst which is my brother), until they had a riot by morons who think football is more important than child abuse. And yeah, people and reporting always focus on the negative aspects. That's not unique to you or your school.

I don't think the "riot" characterizes anything about Penn State other than there was a lot of discontent at the time.

[quote name='ManOfThePast' timestamp='1321243929' post='4883639']
And we also care about our school that we believe has good people and does things

Have to say, I really don't understand this stupid rabid dedication to a particular university. Maybe it's a US thing - I had a blast studying, great people, great place, but the university itself? Meh. Pretty much everyone acknowledges it's gone downhill since then. And I don't particularly care.

It's not stupid. It brings people together.

[quote name='SiCrane' timestamp='1321240707' post='4883625']
[quote name='ManOfThePast' timestamp='1321240405' post='4883622']
Also, the media has basically ignored all the good that comes from Penn State. That's what is the worst part.

No, I'm pretty sure the worst part involves pedophilia, or are you too busy shilling for your school that you forgot about that part?

You sit there and spew words but you don't think for yourself. People are capable of holding two thoughts in their head at the same time. - Penn Staters raised over 300k for abuse victims since this happened - Over 10,000 people showed up to honor the victims on the Old Main lawn

We don't have to do this. None of us had anything to do with what happened. But we care.

You claim we are focused on Joe and not the victims. No, sir, that's you. We care plenty. And at the same time we also care about our school that we believe has good people and does good things. So stop being ignorant.
You know what would have been better than raising money or showing up in support? Stopping the child abuse in the first place.
if you think programming is like sex, you probably haven't done much of either.-------------- - capn_midnight

[quote name='Promit' timestamp='1321244483' post='4883642']
[quote name='ManOfThePast' timestamp='1321243929' post='4883639']
You claim we are focused on Joe and not the victims. No, sir, it's you. We care plenty. And we also care about our school that we believe has good people and does things. So stop being ignorant.
The original post in this thread is very clearly focused on 'JoePa', and doesn't acknowledge the victims' existence. Nobody blamed any of the Penn Staters (amongst which is my brother), until they had a riot by morons who think football is more important than child abuse. And yeah, people and reporting always focus on the negative aspects. That's not unique to you or your school.

I don't think the "riot" characterizes anything about Penn State other than there was a lot of discontent at the time.

Nice edit, I preferred the trolltastic version you had before. Something about "We can all sympathise (with the rioters)". Uh-huh, sure.

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