
Loyalty and cowardace in America

Started by November 10, 2011 04:36 AM
50 comments, last by ChaosEngine 12 years, 10 months ago

[quote name='ManOfThePast' timestamp='1321243929' post='4883639']
[quote name='SiCrane' timestamp='1321240707' post='4883625']
[quote name='ManOfThePast' timestamp='1321240405' post='4883622']
Also, the media has basically ignored all the good that comes from Penn State. That's what is the worst part.

No, I'm pretty sure the worst part involves pedophilia, or are you too busy shilling for your school that you forgot about that part?

You sit there and spew words but you don't think for yourself. People are capable of holding two thoughts in their head at the same time. - Penn Staters raised over 300k for abuse victims since this happened - Over 10,000 people showed up to honor the victims on the Old Main lawn

We don't have to do this. None of us had anything to do with what happened. But we care.

You claim we are focused on Joe and not the victims. No, sir, that's you. We care plenty. And at the same time we also care about our school that we believe has good people and does good things. So stop being ignorant.
You know what would have been better than raising money or showing up in support? Stopping the child abuse in the first place.

This guy gets a gold star for the day for his insightful wisdom. Thank you, sir.

[quote name='ManOfThePast' timestamp='1321247949' post='4883649']
[quote name='Promit' timestamp='1321244483' post='4883642']
[quote name='ManOfThePast' timestamp='1321243929' post='4883639']
You claim we are focused on Joe and not the victims. No, sir, it's you. We care plenty. And we also care about our school that we believe has good people and does things. So stop being ignorant.
The original post in this thread is very clearly focused on 'JoePa', and doesn't acknowledge the victims' existence. Nobody blamed any of the Penn Staters (amongst which is my brother), until they had a riot by morons who think football is more important than child abuse. And yeah, people and reporting always focus on the negative aspects. That's not unique to you or your school.

I don't think the "riot" characterizes anything about Penn State other than there was a lot of discontent at the time.

Nice edit, I preferred the trolltastic version you had before. Something about "We can all sympathise (with the rioters)". Uh-huh, sure.

Yeah, not worth arguing that one.

The riots were stupidly shortsighted. Maybe you're frustrated, but rioting isn't going to change anything.

[quote name='ChaosEngine' timestamp='1321250878' post='4883668']
[quote name='ManOfThePast' timestamp='1321243929' post='4883639']
[quote name='SiCrane' timestamp='1321240707' post='4883625']
[quote name='ManOfThePast' timestamp='1321240405' post='4883622']
Also, the media has basically ignored all the good that comes from Penn State. That's what is the worst part.

No, I'm pretty sure the worst part involves pedophilia, or are you too busy shilling for your school that you forgot about that part?

You sit there and spew words but you don't think for yourself. People are capable of holding two thoughts in their head at the same time. - Penn Staters raised over 300k for abuse victims since this happened - Over 10,000 people showed up to honor the victims on the Old Main lawn

We don't have to do this. None of us had anything to do with what happened. But we care.

You claim we are focused on Joe and not the victims. No, sir, that's you. We care plenty. And at the same time we also care about our school that we believe has good people and does good things. So stop being ignorant.
You know what would have been better than raising money or showing up in support? Stopping the child abuse in the first place.

This guy gets a gold star for the day for his insightful wisdom. Thank you, sir.

I didn't think it was particularly insightful. I would call it common sense. Funny how the concept failed to occur to those involved, and idiots like you who defend them.
if you think programming is like sex, you probably haven't done much of either.-------------- - capn_midnight

Number one, you shouldn't be shocked when a highly public major scandal ends a career, no matter how illustrious. That is just how shit works.

But frankly, the scandal doesn't fit his crime. There's at least a half dozen people more culpable from the perpetrator on down, but the only news reports are about Paterno.

"That's just how it works" is a quick and easy way to deflect responsibility for a decision. Hence the 'cowardace' in the title.

So where is the line, huh? How many unreported child abuse instances would you like before the man got fired?

Would you have had the stones to call the cops on your coworker of 20 years on the basis of hearsay? It's easy to say yes with hindsight and being detached as we are.

And really, where's the line the other way? Michael Vick got his job back. Plenty of others have killed people (usually via DUI) and kept their jobs. Paterno couldn't just get 8 weeks to finish out his contract?

The original post in this thread is very clearly focused on 'JoePa', and doesn't acknowledge the victims' existence.

No, I wanted to avoid that since that really isn't debatable. The original crime is horrible, and the victims deserve far better from life than they got. Paterno should've done more; that's not really up for debate either based on what we know. If he actively covered it up, then he should get fired (and more) post-haste; that's not really up for debate...

[quote name='Promit' timestamp='1321235454' post='4883607']
Number one, you shouldn't be shocked when a highly public major scandal ends a career, no matter how illustrious. That is just how shit works.

But frankly, the scandal doesn't fit his crime. There's at least a half dozen people more culpable from the perpetrator on down, but the only news reports are about Paterno.

"That's just how it works" is a quick and easy way to deflect responsibility for a decision. Hence the 'cowardace' in the title.

It doesn't matter if it fits his crime. Scandals end careers of people who aren't even involved in the crimes ALL THE TIME.

The fact of the matter is he was in a position where he represented the school, and the message he sent out with his lack of action was that football is more important than protecting children as far as Penn State is concerned. People have gotten fired for PR nightmares that aren't even close to as bad as involving child molesting.

You claim we are focused on Joe and not the victims. No, sir, that's you.

Yeah, funny how claiming that the media is behaving worse than a child rapist makes someone think that you don't care about the victims. I don't need other people to tell me that you, not anyone else in your school, but you in particular have gotten so invested in your defense of a person who failed morally big time, that you've forgotten the real victims here. Children were raped here. This is the worst part. Not the media's behavior, not even your own rabid, unthinking defense of a person who failed to protect them. Unless you can get that through your head then your defense of your hero will always ring false and people who agree with you will likely be screaming "stop trying to help!" Unlike you, I don't group all defenders of Paterno as thinking the same way. I'm disgusted specifically with your behavior. Claiming other people have raised money doesn't defend your dismissal of child abuse. There are good Penn Staters. You're not one of them.
He found out once and told the higher-ups the first time. That's reasonable. That's what you are supposed to do. But when it happens on mutlitple occassions, spanning years, and you know about those incidents, then you should inform the police. He failed on point two. Though he did 60 years of great service helping kids get an education and graduate, the fact is that he did very very little to prevent young children from being abused. He turned a blind eye to it for whatever reason. Believe me if that were one of his grandkids that had happen to and he found out the first time, he would have had that guy fired at the very least.

I also don't see how Paterno is suddenly without blame but those who are higher-up aren't. McQueary, Paterno, Curley, Schultz, and Spanier all are guilty of the same thing. You can put more blame on Schultz and Spanier because of their positions at the school, but it doesn't make them anymore guilty than Paterno. Aside from McQueary, the other four definitely were in very high ranking or high paying positions and thought more about themselves than those children. It's a sad day for America. It's a sad day for children everywhere.

Beginner in Game Development?  Read here. And read here.


Step 1) Fire anyone who knew, thought they knew, or otherwise actively covered it up.
Step 2) Charge them all with criminally negligent behavior and, if possible, more.

Also, some of you (not most, some) have incredibly weird ideas of how guilt works -- you can have sixty years on your shoulder of fine, lawfully good work, and then make a mistake like this... those sixty years does not absolve you from guilt.

Medias' behavior? Penn staters? Who the fuck cares? A child was abused. Other people acting like idiots pales in comparison.
"I will personally burn everything I've made to the fucking ground if I think I can catch them in the flames."
~ Gabe
"I don't mean to rush you but you are keeping two civilizations waiting!"
~ Cavil, BSG.
"If it's really important to you that other people follow your True Brace Style, it just indicates you're inexperienced. Go find something productive to do."
[size=2]~ Bregma

"Well, you're not alone.

There's a club for people like that. It's called Everybody and we meet at the bar[size=2]."

[size=2]~ [size=1]Antheus

[quote name='ManOfThePast' timestamp='1321252808' post='4883682']
[quote name='ChaosEngine' timestamp='1321250878' post='4883668']
[quote name='ManOfThePast' timestamp='1321243929' post='4883639']
[quote name='SiCrane' timestamp='1321240707' post='4883625']
[quote name='ManOfThePast' timestamp='1321240405' post='4883622']
Also, the media has basically ignored all the good that comes from Penn State. That's what is the worst part.

No, I'm pretty sure the worst part involves pedophilia, or are you too busy shilling for your school that you forgot about that part?

You sit there and spew words but you don't think for yourself. People are capable of holding two thoughts in their head at the same time. - Penn Staters raised over 300k for abuse victims since this happened - Over 10,000 people showed up to honor the victims on the Old Main lawn

We don't have to do this. None of us had anything to do with what happened. But we care.

You claim we are focused on Joe and not the victims. No, sir, that's you. We care plenty. And at the same time we also care about our school that we believe has good people and does good things. So stop being ignorant.
You know what would have been better than raising money or showing up in support? Stopping the child abuse in the first place.

This guy gets a gold star for the day for his insightful wisdom. Thank you, sir.

I didn't think it was particularly insightful. I would call it common sense. Funny how the concept failed to occur to those involved, and idiots like you who defend them.

I am not defending anyone in the administration. But don't undermine the good work that _we_, students, do. That's just f***ing rude.

Medias' behavior? Penn staters? Who the fuck cares? A child was abused. Other people acting like idiots pales in comparison.

Once again, nobody's saying the children aren't important. It's absolutely horrible what happened.

People are capable of caring about multiple things at the same time.

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