
Calling all Brogrammers

Started by November 08, 2011 10:29 AM
0 comments, last by j-dog 12 years, 10 months ago
Are you like me? Are you a Bro and a Programmer? Do you like to code and then work out! Are you a gym buff and a code junky! DO YOU EAT SLEEP WORK OUT AND CODE! Than this is for you.

What do you do for your Bromammoth workouts during coding sessions?

Personally when I am trying to think I do a set of pushups 25-30 and it helps clear my mind. Sometimes while thinking of solutions I find that running is the way to go, just walking outside makes me think about ways to do things in a wierd sense.

Heres a good example. One day I could not figure out how to mask deletion of a file without it being recorded. While walking I saw a dog deposit some soil, and it seemed to just dissapear behind grass... then I thought man thats going to suck when someone steps on that poo that bound to the gras.,,,,, ZING binding files.

Sometimes I do calf raises while standing up and programming.. what do you other Bro's do.
I usually just give my 2 cents, but since most of the people I meet are stubborn I give a 1$ so my advice isn't lost via exchange rate.

Personally I like to run outside. I stay in quite a nice suburb, and because I stay on quite a steep ridge, I get a lot of steep inclines both going up and down. I have to force myself to clear my head at first - this means getting *everything* out of my mind - be it programming related or otherwise. This allows me to focus and run for a very long time without breaks - once I'm really exhausted, I slow to a walk and enjoy the outdoors until I can run again. It does me a lot of good to not only exercise this way, but being outdoors is incredibly refreshing. During those runs I tend to realize mistakes I've made in my code too!

I used to do gym for a few years but it didn't really do it for me. Thereafter I did kung fu with some friends, which it turns out, was much more physically taxing than the judo I had done prior. That was wonderful - we trained outside and having friends there really boosted spirits - I trained over entire weekends sometimes, and at some point took it up to 18 hours per week. But that was a bit unreasonable and I no longer have such time. I wish I could have that kind of atmosphere again.

Although I absolutely cannot code while exercising!! I even find that listen to music while exercising annoys me. I don't mind having people around who are also pushing it, but when I exercise I focus on nothing else, and that's exactly why it works.

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