
If you could make any game you wanted...

Started by October 28, 2011 07:57 PM
30 comments, last by LavontaeLewis 12 years, 8 months ago
I made an official thread for the project I was discussing 4 posts up. It may be found in this thread.

The last one.

MMO of the Earth. Hybrid of Civilization, Sim City and The Sims. With textures from NASA to build on. Add to it all the world-wide issues in the history, economies and what not.

Part 2 would be MMO of universe. Realtime travel, so you'd have to wait a while to get to next star.

That sounds extremely boring :D
I think a pretty general rule is that the more perfect the simulation is, the more boring the game is :P

Seriously though, bending the rules (of physics, the law, social constructs), and carefully selected limitations on what the player can do are key parts in what creates a truly engaging game.
If I could make any game I wanted, it would be this:

The game is one life, on death the game restarts.

When the game is started, you are spawned into a city (A city \ town \ area of your choosing) at a position of your choosing. (A player could create a character of their likeness and spawn at their own house)

At a random time (No more than 1:30 seconds into the game and no less than 20 seconds into the game) a random event out of the following will occur:
  • Zombie Virus is released.
  • Aliens invade.
  • Devil and Demons are summoned.
    The player will be at ground zero for all events.

    Your job is to survive for 3 days (1 day is 8 hours 1 night is 5 hours) or stop the event (Destroy all Zombies and cure the zombie virus, Repel the Alien invasion, Kill the Devil and close the summoning circle)

    After 3 days is up, or you stop the current event the next event is started which is randomly chosen out of the two that wasn't previously chosen, you have the same goal for this. This is done a third time for the last event (Unless more events are added in a patch!).

    While these events happen, other apocalyptic events may occur, Massive Floods, Tornadoes, Monsoons, Large-Scale Meteor Strikes and Earthquakes which you also have to survive.

    The entire world will be traversable and all people, items, structures, elements, atoms and particles will be interact-able and work as in the real world.

    If you stop all the events you win the game, the game will continue if you want after 9 days and you still haven't stopped the events, this is a soft win.

    It shall be called: Survival

Engineering Manager at Deloitte Australia

I had been working on a game and then cancelled it because its a horrid solo project to work on.

Maybe if I got enough people interested I would work on it. It was called MANSAR, Mr Awesome's Not So Awesome Reality. Basically the concept followed a superhero named Mr. Awesome and just about how Awesome he is. You would start off the game learning how to do the basics, like running, jumping etc. The first few stages of the levels were planned as tutorials and showing how awesome of a superhero you are.

The problem with Mr. Awesome is that hes the spitting image of a Duke Nukemish type of guy. Just loves women, completely arrogant etc. One day during his Awesome Parade, Knought Sho(not so) the evil genius which is actually a failure in life has a plan. Hes a janitor by trade and envys Mr Awesome on all accounts. He kidnaps Mr.Awesome in the middle of the night and strips him down to his underwear. One day while in captivity Knought So decided to start figuring out what makes Mr. Awesome so Awesome so Knought So could beome Awesome. He has him run tests *think portal*.

The game layout would be initially 2d. You get experiance for solving puzzles and figuring out how to get to the next set of rooms would reward you with XP. The game starts off crude as Mr. Awesome's reality is so bleh, 2D sidescroller with basic graphics. Your XP would level up not you the character but the reality you live in. The Reality would be the game engine, upgrading things like physics, art and other assets. Basically different ways to solve the room and the puzzles.

Here is a crude mockup of a level for example with 3 exits.

[attachment=6023:MANSAR-lvl1-crude concept.jpg]

Some day :-P
I usually just give my 2 cents, but since most of the people I meet are stubborn I give a 1$ so my advice isn't lost via exchange rate.

Yeah stick figure games FTW!

Previously "Krohm"


Back in '05 I came up with a game idea, "The Incredible Edible Cow," that I talked about a bit in my journal. Basically the game has a large, fat, suicidal cow who wants to be eaten. Picture here. The cow would go around doing things to cook herself, like taking a bath in boiling water or trying to climb in a meat grinder. Your job would be to keep her from getting eaten. I shelved the idea because of the large number of art assets I'd need to make it, but if I ever win the Lotto, I'd definitely get an art team together to do it.

Hm, puzzle solving with a conscience.

A lot like reverse Truck/Stair Dismount.

I would do a persistent RTS MMO, Kind of like Spore but online.

This would be very high up on my list as well! I think I would also like to do a game based on the Venus Project, and transitioning the current monetary system over to a resource based economy. I think an ultra-realistic resource management game would be awesome.

Honestly though, if I could make any game I wanted to, I would make the ultimate d20 System Simulator. I have been an old school D&D player for most of my life, and a Dungeon Master for most of that time, and I think I would make a piece of software that would enable a DM to create any type of custom campaigns or content they wanted, and so that players and DM's could be connected remotely using a virtual table-top. When D&D went from edition 3.5 to edition 4, I stopped playing... I have thousands of dollars invested in my book collection, and I couldn't justify starting over with a new set of core books that make them all obsolete. The Open Gaming License for edition 4 is laughable as well, and would prevent any such ambitious project, so I would have to design this system to run under the d20 version 3.5 SRD rules at its core. I have actually even done a little bit of planning on such a project, but I still have a lot of learning before I could pull something of that magnitude off myself. - Web Development, Computer Programming, and all around Fun!
An MMO with building/crafting/farming like A Tale In the Desert but customizable avatars, NPC factions for players to build reputation with, a core cast of recurring NPCs for players to get quests from and build relationships with, and two combat systems, the primary one being some kind of realtime spellcasting and sword swinging, and the secondary one being a tactical turn-based system using pet armies. The quests would have an over-all theme that you the player are being sent out to explore ruins and repair places that are in disrepair, suffering from illness, or messed up by natural disaster/unnatural weather. There would not be initially-chosen classes, instead your actions within the interactive storyline and choices of what combat abilities and gear to use on your character would result in your character developing down one of several class-like paths (which are play-balanced against each other). There's also a global marketplace, a forum built into the game, and a selection of fun minigames.

I want to help design a "sandpark" MMO. Optional interactive story with quests and deeply characterized NPCs, plus sandbox elements like player-craftable housing and lots of other crafting. If you are starting a design of this type, please PM me. I also love pet-breeding games.

Honestly not much in terms of game size and scope. I do want to see a futuristic racer akin to WipEout on the Xbox 360 and maybe someday I can make it happen on XBLIG. On that note there aren't really too many flight-based racing games. Whether planes or spaceships though I prefer the latter.

Other than that, I have the idea of a setting for a single-player or multi-player RPG with its story somewhat grounded in reality and speculation of the future. Basically the world takes place a few centuries after the "Great Energy Wars", which wrecked the planet and almost all of its people. All cheap and expendable energy sources are basically exhausted and most people are living in pre-Industrial era and lifestyle. But there are still pockets of advanced technological communities run by greedy tycoons that have tapped into an undisclosed energy source, but refuse to share with the commoners.
Electronic Meteor - My experiences with XNA and game development

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