
Looking for suggestions...

Started by September 21, 2001 06:50 AM
18 comments, last by GrimRupert 23 years, 3 months ago
Okay, It doesn''t matter if you give credit or not they own the copyrights. Legally they have the right and should come after you for it because by law they have to defend their copyrights or they can become public domain (so I haev been told, I''m not a lawyer).

But here is where things become strange. And this goes from company to company.

Fox has shut down mods for Half-Life that were free. Though you can almost 100% attribute this to the fact AvP exists, why woudl they want fere competition to their product o they can lose money from peopel jstu playing a mod (and also risk the mod being better then their game and have noon play it) when they haev all the legal right to shut it down. Now your game isnt'' a FPS but could always be looked at to be shut down. If I was Fox I wouldn''t BUT I''m not and they have all the right to do so and shouldn''t be put down for doign it because I would hate to have my stuff stolen.

Then there are other things liek a Starcraft mod that was being made on Halflfie that Blizzard shutdown. They again were protectig their IP. It wasnt'' even ni teh asme genre but they felt they haev to protect their IP on everywhere because they dont'' want to risk people makign bad thigns and others getting a bad idea abotu their product because of that.

Then there is another situation Which I am currently dealign with. I work for a Half-life mod (you can see what I spend most my tiem doing ) that is making a mod based on teh Warhammer 40k table top game made by Games Workshop. We actually called them and got their okay to do so. But then something worse happened, THQ purchased the electronic game rights to warhammer 40k. We haven''t been approached yet by them but it is something we do wonder abotu because they could at any time shut us down. And they have the rights even thgohu we have GW (who owns the IP) okay because now another company has the rights to make all games related to it and they woudl not want the cahnce of someone else takign away frmo their market share.

So basically my view is dont'' make games based no others stuff unless you have the exclusiev rights to it I''m learnign the hard way.

okay, here is the deal yo. I am making this game for the fun of it. I''m just gonna post it on the net so people can play it. If Fox discovers my site, gets pissed and approaches me and my friend about it, we''ll just take it off the web and play it at our homes. This game is mainly a "portfolio" as to help get into College and also get a job (who knows, maybe the first people I approach for a job will be Fox Interactive).

So I don''t care about this copyright garbage. They want it away from where people can get it, I''ll do so. I''m not making this game so people will buy it (which they won''t because it''ll be freeware), I''m making it for the fun of it! So it''s no problem if Fox wants to shut us down. Hell, I may send them the Demo before releasing the demo on the net! Whether people get to play my game or not makes little difference to me (though I will give it to friends, most likely).

Now, is everything cool?

School sucks, people suck, family sucks, life sucks, reality sucks...
When all else fails, Playstation prevails...
School sucks, people suck, family sucks, life sucks, reality sucks...When all else fails, Playstation prevails...
hahahahahahaha... Verry funny... You won''t get far if you don''t at least learn one API... I''m talking about DX or OGL. Knowing C/C++ is just a small part of game programming. You can learn C/C++ in about 1 week if you know what you''re doing. Anyhow, I don''t want to be a critic but hey, seeing to big might cause you some problems when you realise that you can''t get finish your game because you don''t have the knoledge necessary to finish it... Learn, when you''re finished learning one thing, start learning something else and that until you die....

"And that''s the bottom line cause I said so!"

Headhunter Soft
A division of DLC Multimedia

Resist Windows XP''s Invasive Production Activation Technology!

"gitty up" -- Kramer
[Cyberdrek | ]
quote: Original post by GrimRupert
Reply to WarMage: The game is going to be freeware, so Fox won't have any reason to sue or whatever. Non-profit organization so far

Ok, I see you don't really know jack about Copyright laws. You can not use anything related to Aliens unless you have a legal agreement with them.

Trust me, I know you gotta plan ahead a LOT for a game (I used to use RPGToolkit, which was decent, but not as good as using C++).

EDITED BY MODERATOR: Derogatory profanity will not be tolerated in this forum. If you want to post criticism, that's fine, but it should be civil and reasoned.

Personal attacks are also unacceptable. This is a warning.

Edited by - Wavinator on September 26, 2001 2:51:45 PM
[Cyberdrek | ]
Hmm...I have the feeling that you do not like me all too well...

As I said, if Fox approaches me on the copyrights, I won''t release the game on the net. Is that okay? Can we drop things now?

Next, RPGToolkit ISN''T like RPGMaker. It had an actualy (though not amazing) programming language of its own. A dude even made a paint program with it!
And what I meant was I knew what needed to be included, though a "Make Your Own RPG" program isn''t like making a game from scratch. I am also aware of the trouble it is. Me and my friend are gonna go through 11 separate tests, all just for the gaming engine, before we actually get to programming the first level and everything.

And, about my sig, if I had a life I would not want to make games for a living.

School sucks, people suck, family sucks, life sucks, reality sucks...
When all else fails, Playstation prevails...
School sucks, people suck, family sucks, life sucks, reality sucks...When all else fails, Playstation prevails...
And by the way, I do plan on learning DirectX. Sadly, my library doesn''t have any of the books suggested on this site, so I''ll probably have to glance them over, or even purchase them, at Waldenbooks or something.

Trust me. I know this is gonna be hard. But in every challenge, there is enjoyment.

School sucks, people suck, family sucks, life sucks, reality sucks...
When all else fails, Playstation prevails...
School sucks, people suck, family sucks, life sucks, reality sucks...When all else fails, Playstation prevails...
quote: Original post by Cyberdrek
hahahahahahaha... Verry funny... You won''t get far if you don''t at least learn one API... I''m talking about DX or OGL. Knowing C/C++ is just a small part of game programming. You can learn C/C++ in about 1 week if you know what you''re doing.

I thought this forum was about design issues, not implementation.

quote: Don''t mention that you used RPGToolkit, That''s not game creation, that''s bullshit. With that crap, anybody can have a game done within 1 hours and say that they made a game.. Oh and it doesn''t prove that you know jack about game programming either.

I get the distinct feeling your intention was to flaunt your superiority. You said very little that was informative or helpful, and then you ended with the "Get a life" statement. You don''t need to put people down; he came asking for advice, not assaults. If you have nothing to say (like I did), say nothing. Respect the forums, huh?
It''s not as though people are saying "don''t make a game", I know I only meant "don''t make a game that directly references trademarked characters without first securing the right to use the trademarks".

Go mad, is what I say! Just don''t *call* it "Alien Something-or-Other"

Hmm...maybe I should explain my plans.

1-We begin programming the Engine and perform the 11 tests to make sure everything works the way we want.

2-We begin programming game one level at a time, then debugging that level and so on.

3-When 3-5 levels have been completed, we send it to Fox Film Corp. and/or Fox Interactive and say "Can we release this freeware over the internet? If not, we''ll keep it as a game for ourselves".

4A-If Fox says "Yeah sure whatever..." we complete it and release it on the net, and also save it as a "portfolio".

4B-If Fox says "You release that and we''ll annihilate you down to your very last cell", we finish it and play it by ourselves, giving it to one or two other friends, as well as using it as a "portfolio".

My lifelong plan is saving it until College or sometime after, sending it to Fox Interactive and proposing it to be a Game Boy Advance game. But, that shall most likely never happen.

Hopefully that gets all the copyright garbage out of the way.

Thank you for reading.

School sucks, people suck, family sucks, life sucks, reality sucks...
When all else fails, Playstation prevails...
School sucks, people suck, family sucks, life sucks, reality sucks...When all else fails, Playstation prevails...
If Fox says "You release that and we''ll annihilate you down to your very last cell", we finish it and play it by ourselves, giving it to one or two other friends, as well as using it as a "portfolio".

IMNSHO, a game based on copyrighted material makes for a very unprofessional-looking ''portfolio.'' But it''s your career...

Fox is not gonna say ''yeah sure whatever,'' either.

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