
What games would you most like a clone of?

Started by August 26, 2011 12:07 AM
39 comments, last by O-san 13 years ago
How about any Japaneses rpg made after the snes era (especially ps1 and ps2) remade only with cut scenes that are broken up by game play better or interactive (like mass effect), better combat system and no random encounters.

Though I guess its less a clone I'm looking for and more a game with writing and art by Japaneses developers and the rest of the game made by western developers.

Tribes 2, particularly because the game has been long gone and nothing else really lived up to that kind of gameplay. But Tribes Ascend looks promising, I'm remaining cautiously optimistic.

I know, and agree with, what you are saying. But Tribes 2 is still alive and well as TribesNext :)

I hope with my entire being that Tribes Ascend will be a good succesor, but I fear and suspect that it won't

[quote name='Koobazaur' timestamp='1314364497' post='4854039']
Tribes 2, particularly because the game has been long gone and nothing else really lived up to that kind of gameplay. But Tribes Ascend looks promising, I'm remaining cautiously optimistic.

I know, and agree with, what you are saying. But Tribes 2 is still alive and well as TribesNext :)

I hope with my entire being that Tribes Ascend will be a good succesor, but I fear and suspect that it won't

I think there are 3 tribes games in development right now. I know there are at least 2.
X-Com:TFTD but with real time combat (x-com apocalypse already had it, but it had other problems) OR Rainbow Six style FPS combat (old Rainbow Six, not Vegas cover shooter).

Operation Flashpoint:CWC - that means open world shooter, much more hardcore than CoD but less hardcore than ARMA.

Unreal - I miss the open level design, nowadays it's only corridor with covers and a cutscene every 5 minutes, not to mention teammates who do all the shooting for you

TIE Fighter - leave it as it is, just improve the graphics engine and add multiplayer coop/deathmatch modes

OpenGL fanboy.
Everquest before instancing, before Wowification. I want the training, camping, griefing and blocking back.
"It's like naming him Asskicker Monstertrucktits O'Ninja" -Khaiy

Some new high-budget non-horror adventure games would be nice, it doesn't seem like anyone makes those any more.

This one, yep. Combine good writing with an interesting setting/world building. With today's tech behind it, something like this would be gold in my book.
Super Metroid for the SNES - The game concept itself (i.e. progressing on your own time but limited to powerups and techniques) is not new. But the incorporation of the game concept AND the atmosphere is what I would want to copy. Bosses were big. Enemies were unique and abundant. Powerups were always badass. And the scenery was breath-taking at times. Also, it's the only game where I've felt like I was going to have a panic attack when the count-down sequence began and I had to figure out how to go ALL the way back to my ship.
I'm that imaginary number in the parabola of life.
After playing NHL Blitz, a Hockey MMO would be cool...

<more serious>A better follow up to Dune 2. Or a follow up to the Sonic series that didn't slaughter everything I loved about Sonic (something closer to Sonic 2... and in 2D). I'll probably think of some more later.</more serious>
[size=2][ I was ninja'd 71 times before I stopped counting a long time ago ] [ f.k.a. MikeTacular ] [ My Blog ] [ SWFer: Gaplessly looped MP3s in your Flash games ]
FF7 - Classic, PS1 Legend.
Battle Of Olympus - Greek myth
ActRaiser - SimCity and hack and slash mix.
Halo 1 -- (There is a remake!)
Zombies Ate My Neighbors - Probably one of the funnest zombie games in existence. Trampoline anyone?

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I think I'm most interested in a good clone of the old Syndicate game.

Seems pretty reasonable to do in my opinion. I loved burning people up with my flamethrower :)

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