
What games would you most like a clone of?

Started by August 26, 2011 12:07 AM
39 comments, last by O-san 13 years, 5 months ago

+1 for an ultima online sequel. Was not impressed when they cancelled development of UO2. Although if it is to be done, it needs to be like the early days of UO - with PvP everywhere and full loot, not the terrible game that it has become today.

Full loot is the reason I quit UO... and I still think it's an awesome game.

I actually reall liked Asheron's Call's death system. You randomly drop like 15% of the stuff you are carrying. In PVP people can loot your body, and you have to get to your corpse to recover any of your stuff.

[quote name='szecs' timestamp='1314810835' post='4855972']
Sci-fi Warcraft III. Humans/trolls/elves/undead/demons in tanks and spacecrafts YAY! And a similar epic story.

Wait, isn't that basically what Warhammer 40k is?

warcraft is basically warhammer to begin with. Didn't it start as a warhammer game that they couldn't get licensing for?
I think so, and there's sensless "warfract ripped warhammer / starcraft ripped warhammer40k" flame wars all across the internet. I hear that, in some parts of the country, the nights are as bright as days because of them...
Comrade, Listen! The Glorious Commonwealth's first Airship has been compromised! Who is the saboteur? Who can be saved? Uncover what the passengers are hiding and write the grisly conclusion of its final hours in an open-ended, player-driven adventure. Dziekujemy! -- Karaski: What Goes Up...
I want 'The Dark Heart of Uukrul' in Eye of the beholder graphcis / sword of xeen. And to cast magic/prayer, pull down menu are used. so is at teleporters.

this is one of the few games where the fighter / paladin CAN stand in front of their priest & magician to protect them.
I would love to see a Meridian 59 remake with modern graphics. First MMO created and still kicking but needs some serious updates. I also would love to see another Hero's of Might and Magic, but with an AI that is not impossible to beat. I by no means was an expert at Hero's but I wasn't too bad either but could never beat the AI in a skirmish. It always seemed like they got resources about 15X faster than you.

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I personally would like to see a true spiritual successor to Master of Magic. Most games I've played claiming this have only gotten the bug ridden part of the experience right, which is really the part I'd really wish they hadn't kept.

I wouldnt mind doing something like that (Ive never played the game though but from the wiki page it looks good)
my only issue is finding someone to do the gfx
Super Mario 64

Mario Party or Wario Ware type mini-game compilation game

World of Warcraft... but good like it used to be :)

Tomb Raider II.

With extended versions of all levels, more exploration, more secrets, higher resolution textures and better aligned textures, and with water that has the same kind of physics as it has in dwarf fortress or minecraft.

But definitely no shaders or high-poly environments, I prefer the bright plain colors of TRII, and the cubical shapes which are there for puzzle reasons.
In no specific order:

- An old-school Action Adventure/RPG with the scope and ambition of Terranigma (which is probably the best game nobody's ever heard about). Not a boring point-and-click button masher like Diablo, the epic blandness of NWN, the glorified FPSs or the boring turn-based stuff we get on the PC and consoles, but an actual Action RPG with strong characters, an meaningful storyline, unpredictable twists and closure.
- A Magic Carpet 1 & 2 clone. These were some of the most fun games I've ever played. I still fire them up in DosBox from time to time and they hold up well even now. (First person aerial magical combat with strategic elements).

- A new, real-time X-COM. In short, X-COM: Apocalypse without the issues.

- A new sci-fi space combat game that's actually worth playinj, preferrably with co-op. Something like FreeSpace 2 but with the production values of Wing Commander IV or V. Actually, a proper FreeSpace 3 would be fine, too.

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Wing Commander I and II.

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