
I've got the new-project-slumpies...

Started by August 25, 2011 06:09 PM
4 comments, last by MarkusPfundstein 13 years ago
Sooo... I'm not sure what to work on anymore. I don't have any active projects. I'd like to start a new one, but I'm a bit of an OCD perfectionist where I want to make something that'll be worth my time in one way or another, and not just a throw-away program (I've made too many of those; I feel like it's time to make something at least semi-useful). I can't decide on a game, or some app or utility, or something desktop based or mobile based... My head hurts just thinking about it.

Do you ever get in this position, where you want to start a new project but have no clue what to start? It needs to be something I feel passionate about so I'll be dedicated to finish it, but I can't think of anything lately. If you do get in this position ever, how do you overcome it? What would help me find something to start working on--something that I'll care about?
[size=2][ I was ninja'd 71 times before I stopped counting a long time ago ] [ f.k.a. MikeTacular ] [ My Blog ] [ SWFer: Gaplessly looped MP3s in your Flash games ]
When you were younger, were there any games that you really loved? Maybe you could make a game that's similar to those games that you loved?

For example, I loved Asterax and Master of Orion. I've made Asteroids of Beyaan that's very similar to Asterax, and is now working on Beyond Beyaan, a 4X game that's similar to MoO. For me, those were games that are truly awesome, but could use a bit more content to make it even more awesome. That is enough motivation for me :)

I know, it's not original, but if it helps you get motivated, then go for it!
Most of my personal projects recently have been either been study aids (currently studying both Japanese and Mandarin Chinese) or personal developer tools of various levels of ambition (automatic binding libraries for scripting languages, a few build tools, a few UI wrappers so things are just less ugly looking, etc.). Basically finding things about my current work flow that bother me and writing code to smooth out those issues somewhat.
Are there any settings you've always liked and wanted to see more of? I just re-watched Serenity at a midnight theater showing recently, which got me excited to do a project set in that universe.


Selective Quote

~Too Late - Too Soon~

Sweet, thank you all for the good suggestions! I think part of my lack of desire comes from starting school again and not wanting to do anything (procrastinating one thing tends to make me feel like doing nothing and procrastinating everything), and the fact that I just got a new computer and have spent FOREVER dual booting it and installing my IDEs, and now I have to build my gaming libraries of choice, all for a project that I haven't even decided on...

Anyway, I'm feeling more encouraged now. There is a particular project I've thought about doing over the last couple of years... maybe I'll try that.
[size=2][ I was ninja'd 71 times before I stopped counting a long time ago ] [ f.k.a. MikeTacular ] [ My Blog ] [ SWFer: Gaplessly looped MP3s in your Flash games ]
I have the same.. but as soon as u start new all your motivation comes back! if u dont know what program to program than learn new.. for example 3d math or a new language or a new API.. whatever

I open sourced my C++/iOS OpenGL 2D RPG engine :-)

See my blog: (Tutorials and GameDev)


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