
How to check for collision between objects from 2 classes

Started by August 08, 2011 11:22 AM
10 comments, last by BrianJensen 13 years, 6 months ago
Hi. I keep getting this error when trying to check for collision between ball for Ball class and char1 or char2 from Player or Player2 class.

'char1' was not declared in this scope|
'char2' was not declared in this scope|

I found another topic about this and for that the answer was to make from 2 classes, one. I'm not sure I can do this in my case. And if I can how do I do that?


I've attached the files and codeblocks project.

EDIT: I updated the wrong version of the archive. Download the new one. I've commented the section that is not working. Anyway I will add the Y axis collision and I'll try to add public functions. I hope it'll work, thx for help. I'll will ask you if I have more q.
Player and Player2 can (and should) be one class. You can also make Ball the same class but maybe that is one step too far. At least all classes can share the same base class. I advice you to read up on the OOP concept. classes/inheritence/virtual functions and things like that. It is clear you have not fully grasped these concepts.

The error messages you post here is not from the code you have attached so I have no idea what you have tried to do. You already have a function to test collision between two SDL_Rects. The function doesn't work because it ignores the Y-axis. If Player and Ball was derived from the same base class, let's call it Object. That class could have a function to test for collisions (bool Object::collides(const Object& obj) const {...}). If you are not going to change your code to use inheritance you will have to make a way to access the SDL_Rect of other objects. You can add public functions to access the SDL_Rect that can then be used from outside the class to test for collisions.

I guess this post is a bit confusing if all this is new to you. Just ask if you have more questions and if something is not clear.
Can you give me some indications of how to merge Player and Player2?And yes I suck at classes so how can I: "You can add public functions to access the SDL_Rect that can then be used from outside the class to test for collisions." ? Thx in advance for helping me
Easy to fix if you make your own collision detection function rather than using SDL_Rect.
F = First, S = Second, M = Max, X and Y are obvious.

bool check_collision(int FX, int FY, int FMX, int FMY, int SX, int SY, int SMX, int SMY)
if (FMX >= SX && FMX <= SMX && FMY >= SY && FMY <= SMY ||
FX >= SX && FX <= SMX && FMY >= SY && FMY <= SMY ||
FX >= SX && FX <= SMX && FY >= SY && FY <= SMY ||
FMX >= SX && FMX <= SMX && FY >= SY && FY <= SMY ||
FX <= SX && FMX >= SMX && FY >= SY && FY <= SMY ||
FX >= SX && FMX <= SMX && FY >= SY && FY <= SMY ||
FX >= SX && FMX <= SMX && FY <= SY && FMY <= SY ||
FX <= SX && FMX >= SMX && FY <= SY && FMY >= SY ||
FX <= SX && FMX >= SMX && FY >= SY && FY <= SMY ||
FMX >= SX && FMX <= SMX && FY <= SY && FMY <= SMY ||
FMX >= SX && FMX <= SMX && FY >= SY && FMY <= SMY ||
FX >= SX && FX <= SMX && FY >= SY && FMY <= SMY ||
FX == SX && FMX == SMX && FY == SY && FMY == SMY)
return true;
return false;

Haven't looked at the classes, but just put position variables like

int x, y, mx, my; //Don't even have to use mx or my if the dimensions are always the same.

or if you already have that in somewhere else, use those. Didn't check the code to much.

Instead of
if (check_collision(ball, char1))
//you would use
if (check_collision(ball.x, ball.y,,, char1.x, char1.y,,

or however you have your classes set up, but that code snippet is exactly what I use for my 2d games

Sprite Creator 3 VX & XP

WARNING: I edit my posts constantly.

Easy to fix if you make your own collision detection function rather than using SDL_Rect.
F = First, S = Second, M = Max, X and Y are obvious.

bool check_collision(int FX, int FY, int FMX, int FMY, int SX, int SY, int SMX, int SMY)
if (FMX >= SX && FMX <= SMX && FMY >= SY && FMY <= SMY ||
FX >= SX && FX <= SMX && FMY >= SY && FMY <= SMY ||
FX >= SX && FX <= SMX && FY >= SY && FY <= SMY ||
FMX >= SX && FMX <= SMX && FY >= SY && FY <= SMY ||
FX <= SX && FMX >= SMX && FY >= SY && FY <= SMY ||
FX >= SX && FMX <= SMX && FY >= SY && FY <= SMY ||
FX >= SX && FMX <= SMX && FY <= SY && FMY <= SY ||
FX <= SX && FMX >= SMX && FY <= SY && FMY >= SY ||
FX <= SX && FMX >= SMX && FY >= SY && FY <= SMY ||
FMX >= SX && FMX <= SMX && FY <= SY && FMY <= SMY ||
FMX >= SX && FMX <= SMX && FY >= SY && FMY <= SMY ||
FX >= SX && FX <= SMX && FY >= SY && FMY <= SMY ||
FX == SX && FMX == SMX && FY == SY && FMY == SMY)
return true;
return false;

Haven't looked at the classes, but just put position variables like

int x, y, mx, my; //Don't even have to use mx or my if the dimensions are always the same.

or if you already have that in somewhere else, use those. Didn't check the code to much.

Instead of
if (check_collision(ball, char1))
//you would use
if (check_collision(ball.x, ball.y,,, char1.x, char1.y,,

or however you have your classes set up, but that code snippet is exactly what I use for my 2d games

The problem is still there. I can't access char1 from Player class because I'm not checking for collision in that class, I'm doing it in Ball class (in void Ball::move). And char1 is not a constant value so I can't put a number instead of that variable.

class Player
int x, y, mx, my;
class Ball
int x, y, mx, my;

//Player char1; // or even better
//Player char2; // or even better
Player char[2];
Ball ball;

Sprite Creator 3 VX & XP

WARNING: I edit my posts constantly.

So in Player class, I have SDL_Rect char1 and Player(), in Player() i have char1.x, char1.y , velocity and height + width. So when doing Player char1 I still cant acces de data from Player() - at least that's how i'm thinking

EDIT: Maybe you can update one of yours 2d games with collision between 2 object from 2 classes. I may adapt it to my code aswell.
get rid of SDL_Rect char1; junk you don't need it any more. Use int x, y, mx, my instead.

char[0].x = 10;
char[0].y = 50
ball.x = 75;
ball.y = 50;

if (check_collide(char[0].x, char[0].y, char[0].x + SIZEOFCHAR1, char[0].y + SIZEOFCHAR1, ball.x, ball.y, ball.x + SIZEOFBALL, ball.y + SIZEOFBALL))

EDIT: this is the code from 2 objects. I test between usually a Character class and more then 10 up to 100 other class objects.IE space invader remake, I test against Ship > AlienShip and Ship > bullet and Ship > Rock, Rock > Bullet and Bullet > AlienShip. Just using the code I provided and how I have the classes set up. Let me pull up my BASIC collide program where I actually tested and debugged the code.

This is just 2 objects

class cMoveBall
int x, y, frame, xi, yi, nyi, pyi, nxi, pxi;
//...other junk not relevant to this example
class cMovePlayer
int x, y, frame, xi, yi, nyi, pyi, nxi, pxi;
//...other junk not relevant to this example
cMoveBall Bounce[10];
cMovePlayer Player;

then I assign Player x and y locations and use those to keep track of the player, their speed. and use that exact collision detection function in every 2d game I make for testing collision.
The function I provided doesn't care about objects, as long as you provide int variables in its parameters it will work.


Sprite Creator 3 VX & XP

WARNING: I edit my posts constantly.

get rid of SDL_Rect char1; junk you don't need it any more. Use int x, y, mx, my instead.

char[0].x = 10;
char[0].y = 50
ball.x = 75;
ball.y = 50;

if (check_collide(char[0].x, char[0].y, char[0].x + SIZEOFCHAR1, char[0].y + SIZEOFCHAR1, ball.x, ball.y, ball.x + SIZEOFBALL, ball.y + SIZEOFBALL))

EDIT: this is the code from 2 objects. I test between usually a Character class and more then 10 up to 100 other class objects.IE space invader remake, I test against Ship > AlienShip and Ship > bullet and Ship > Rock, Rock > Bullet and Bullet > AlienShip. Just using the code I provided and how I have the classes set up. Let me pull up my BASIC collide program where I actually tested and debugged the code.

This is just 2 objects

class cMoveBall
int x, y, frame, xi, yi, nyi, pyi, nxi, pxi;
//...other junk not relevant to this example
class cMovePlayer
int x, y, frame, xi, yi, nyi, pyi, nxi, pxi;
//...other junk not relevant to this example
cMoveBall Bounce[10];
cMovePlayer Player;

then I assign Player x and y locations and use those to keep track of the player, their speed. and use that exact collision detection function in every 2d game I make for testing collision.
The function I provided doesn't care about objects, as long as you provide int variables in its parameters it will work.

I'm now realizing that my biggest mistake is using void Ball::move, I can either make a simple void move() function or I can type the collision code directly in main. I will start to rewrite my program but I will probably be off soon, so I'll post a reply tommorow. Thx for helping me, check back on this thread in 12 hours if I still have problems to fix.

EDIT: How can you use in the collide code variables from 2 classes but with same name? like first x is x and second x is x again?

Player player[2];
Ball ball;

each player (player[0] and player[1] in this case) and ball are assigned its own x variable
and you call that variable x by

player[0].x, player[1].x, ball.x. //You can also do
player[0].x = player[1].x; // which puts player 0(char1) x location at player[1] (char2)s x location.
player[0].x = 50;
player[0].x += 2;
player[0].x++; //or any other way you can manipulate a int variable.

If x is an int variable anywhere you could use an int variable you can put player[0].x, player[1].x, or ball.x( or any of that classes private int variables for that matter) as that variable as it is a valid form of int.
Also x for player[0] is not the same x variable for player[1] or ball, as they are each assigned their own variable called x when you create each class object

Player player[2]; //this class object player[0] and player[1] is given its own variable named x each
Ball ball;// this class object ball is given a variable named x as well

Every variable you give a class object in the private: section is used by that object only, if you do
Player player[1000]; there are 1000 Player objects called player each with their own x variable.

Sprite Creator 3 VX & XP

WARNING: I edit my posts constantly.

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