
The GDNet Birthday thread

Started by June 15, 2011 02:37 PM
40 comments, last by _moagstar_ 13 years, 2 months ago

[quote name='Ravuya' timestamp='1308186035' post='4823874']
If anyone makes floorcaek I swear I am not cleaning it up this time.

Ravuya, I gotta ask...
Did you really invent Canada?! D:
[/quote]I sort of drew some broad strokes. I was actually trying to train a small dog to play fetch at the time. It's complicated.

If anyone makes floorcaek I swear I am not cleaning it up this time.


Floorcaek for everyone!
Really? Not one of the google image results for 'Gamedev slime ad' returns what I want. Tell me someone took a screenshot!

Happy birthday, gamedev : )
gsgraham.comSo, no, zebras are not causing hurricanes.

Really? Not one of the google image results for 'Gamedev slime ad' returns what I want. Tell me someone took a screenshot!

I looked on my disk but, sadly no. I wish I had, but I totally understand why I didn't :P

Drew Sikora
Executive Producer

Happy birthday! tongue.gif

Leave us a message below and let us know how GDNet has helped/influenced you these past [s]12 years[/s] [color="#ff0000"]5 1/2 years helped me in several ways:

  1. It's been a great place to answer any question I have, as long as I do the research first.
  2. It's been a great to apply my knowledge, and refine it, by answering other's questions.
  3. It's been a great place for others to point out flaws in my programming thinking, and explain better ways to write code.
  4. It's been a great place to find others who share the same passions I have, when nobody around has a clue what I'm talking about ("What's a see-pee-you?").
  5. It's been a great place to share what I've been doing, and to recieve encouragement to press on with it.
  6. It's been a great place to see what others have been doing, and to motivate and inspire me to get back to work on my own projects.
  7. It's been a great place to keep up to date on game development news in one single place, since I don't bother searching for it myself.

May it continue to be all this, and more!

and what you hope the site will be able to offer you in the years to come[/quote]
I have to 'do the research' on Google, not on, because GameDev is not a good place to research information. I'd like to be able to do my game development research here on GameDev.

The articles are outdated, the wiki is not updated nor integrated, good journal entries are not yet archived and flagged for us to find (aside from the 'Featured Journal').

I would like a permanent archive of journals that were flagged as "Featured", or given high ratings by the community, and permanently have them on the queue by order of date. I would like high quality posts to be able to be 'Featured' in the archive as well, and I would like the community to have the option to 'recommend as featured' a post or journal entry (or rather, maybe automatically bring a post or journal entry to the staff's attention for featuring if it gets a [+5] or greater rating).

I would like the archive to be searchable by category (perhaps by the new forum's tags).

  • OpenGL
  • SFML
  • Pathfinding
  • AI
  • Networking[Art]
    • Pixel Art
    • Freehand drawing
    • Texture art
    • 3D Modelling
    • 3D Animation[Sound]
      • Sound Effects
      • Music
      • Ambience
        Journal entries, submitted articles, forum posts, entire forum threads, etc...

I have to 'do the research' on Google, not on, because GameDev is not a good place to research information.
The articles are outdated, the wiki is not updated nor integrated, good journal entries are not yet archived and flagged for us to find (aside from the 'Featured Journal').
I would like a permanent archive of journals that were flagged as "Featured", or given high ratings by the community, and permanently have them on the queue by order of date. I would like high quality posts to be able to be 'Featured' in the archive as well, and I would like the community to have the option to 'recommend as featured' a post or journal entry (or rather, maybe automatically bring a post or journal entry to the staff's attention for featuring if it gets a [+5] or greater rating).

We don't mind the Google research bit too much, as generally that's how people find their way to info here. But I agree being able to do it more directly would be nice.

We have yet to take advantage of the new forum post ratings but that's on my ToDo list for the latter half of this year. I've already spoken to the various forum mods about starting a wrap-up of their own that includes high-rated forum posts in their forums. We'll get rolling on that once a few more things get taken care of first.

Overall great suggestions inline with what I'm thinking as well.

Drew Sikora
Executive Producer


[quote name='Avatar God' timestamp='1308226341' post='4824046']
Really? Not one of the google image results for 'Gamedev slime ad' returns what I want. Tell me someone took a screenshot!

I looked on my disk but, sadly no. I wish I had, but I totally understand why I didn't :P
Images? Even better. Prepare to relive your nightmares...
Happy Birthday!

After all that time Flash still puts quite a big spike in the cpu meter ;)

And free rope for everyone!

Fruny: Ftagn! Ia! Ia! std::time_put_byname! Mglui naflftagn std::codecvt eY'ha-nthlei!,char,mbstate_t>

Congrats, GDnet! You're the first Internet community I ever found that provided real answers to idiotic teenager programming questions :-D You've guided me all the way from hacking into EMS to get over 64KB for my QBasic RTS, on up through 3D cloth simulations and other physics toys, and on to always bigger and better things. Cheers!
Happy Birthday GDNet!

This site started 1 month after I finished college and started my first job.It has given me 12 years of something to read during long compile cycles, 12 years of insights,12 years of hilariously ridiculous lounge topics and 12 years of nagging me that I could actually do something game related instead of my day job :)

It's also by far one of the smarter technical resources on the net. There are numerous people on here who've shaped and reshaped my view of development. It's awesome that people here take the time to answer not only how, but why.

have a birthday beer!

(I know you're not quite old enough to drink, but you may as well learn in the company of responsible :P adults)
if you think programming is like sex, you probably haven't done much of either.-------------- - capn_midnight

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