
The GDNet Birthday thread

Started by June 15, 2011 02:37 PM
40 comments, last by _moagstar_ 13 years, 2 months ago
12 years ago, on June 15[sup]th[/sup] 1999 was launched. To get a more detailed look at the early history of the site and what came before check out the About Us page towards the bottom under the section "How did you create the site?"

We're almost a teenager! ;)

From myself and the rest of the GDNet Staff - thank you all for being such an awesome community and helping to keep us alive all these years - and hopefully for many more!!

Leave us a message below and let us know how GDNet has helped/influenced you these past 12 years and what you hope the site will be able to offer you in the years to come, or just a birthday message to make us feel all warm and fuzzy inside :) Either way we love you all and are excited for the coming years!

Drew Sikora
Executive Producer

the cake is a lie
the cake is a lie
the cake is a lie

Stephen M. Webb
Professional Free Software Developer

Happy birthday! It's great to have you around trough all those years.
If that's not the help you're after then you're going to have to explain the problem better than what you have. - joanusdmentia

My Page | My Music on Bandcamp and on Soundcloud

Sending a huge congrats your way! Happy Birthday!

This site was a huge motivational tool when I was getting started. The journals were invaluable and I met some fantastic developers that helped me see how things were done.
I'm liking every post I see in this thread.

Well ok. Not every post. Don't try it.

Drew Sikora
Executive Producer

Happy Birthday and thanks to all - moderators and all members who helped a lot by answering my sometimes silly questions.
I've been visiting this site for some years and it's part of my everyday routine. When I feel down I usually go to the Lounge forum and there are always something
that makes me laugh.
I am still a new user here, but regardless, a site surviving over 5 years is amazing, but 12 years is a feat!
I usually just give my 2 cents, but since most of the people I meet are stubborn I give a 1$ so my advice isn't lost via exchange rate.

Lol, it was absolutely inevitable to pull the cake joke.

Happy birthday GDN!

GDN has been a great help both to solve specific problems and to freely discuss and exchange ideas of many different levels, from basic architecture design to development process practices.
I liked the idea of workshops on specific topics, regretably the last workshop I participated on got abandoned by the tutor.

I think GDN has a unique opportunity of establishing a public and updated knowledge base on most game development areas if the wiki and articles get better organized.

Screw technology secrets, everyone should either know or be easily able to learn how to start up DX or GL and put a model on the screen, creativity and innovation are about how you combine the different technologies into something fun, interesting or visually and auditivelly appealing. Sharing the know how of these technologies is the best way to have them improved and feed the growth of new ones.

Game making is godlike

LinkedIn profile:

I think GDN has a unique opportunity of establishing a public and updated knowledge base on most game development areas if the wiki and articles get better organized.

yes yes yes!!

I'll state it right here right now that my work in the latter half of this year is getting the Wiki properly integrated into the site and tied into articles so that someone reading a featured article on graphics can find more (and possibly more up to date) info in the Wiki.

Drew Sikora
Executive Producer

Happy B-day I remember when this adorable little guy was still toddling around, wearing a splash page, and now look at him. All grown up now and wearing big boy pants.

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