
The GDNet Birthday thread

Started by June 15, 2011 02:37 PM
40 comments, last by _moagstar_ 13 years, 2 months ago
Happy birthday GDNet! Thanks for helping me learn so much over the last 10 years!
12 years already? Holy carp I feel old.. we still have so much to do yet. =)

In other news, our site, being in that awkward tween years, is going to be transitioning in focus to commemorate Justin Bieber and super cool fun clothing styles. Yay!
So, so proud.

In related news, being behind the scenes, I get to see things before they're visible to the community, and, well... puberty has started. This may get bumpy.
Happy birthday! Thank you for establishing this great community, which has become the Mecca of game development :D.

So, so proud.

In related news, being behind the scenes, I get to see things before they're visible to the community, and, well... puberty has started. This may get bumpy.

Whoa, it's Dave! Long time no see!

well... puberty has started. This may get bumpy.

Then comes the teenage angst. Oh god what are we in for??

Drew Sikora
Executive Producer


[quote name='Dave Astle' timestamp='1308174722' post='4823817']
So, so proud.

In related news, being behind the scenes, I get to see things before they're visible to the community, and, well... puberty has started. This may get bumpy.

Whoa, it's Dave! Long time no see!
Yeah! I am still here. Just busy :)
I've been here for 85% of's life. I didn't know it started up only 2 years before I joined. Happy cakeday!
If anyone makes floorcaek I swear I am not cleaning it up this time.

If anyone makes floorcaek I swear I am not cleaning it up this time.

Ravuya, I gotta ask...
Did you really invent Canada?! D:

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