
The Wizard Needs YOU! To provide cool spells!

Started by June 13, 2011 01:20 PM
13 comments, last by daedalus316 13 years, 7 months ago
Hi, I've got a rogue-like I'm making, I've got all the very simple stuff down; basic monsters, basic AI (still a bit thick), random dungeon creation.


The story goes thus: You're an awesomely powerful (and arrogant) wizard, Chronos has just caught you sleeping with his demi-goddess daughter... in punishment; saved by her sobbing, Chronos decided that instead of smiting you, he'd strip you of all your magical artifacts and send your sorry ass to the Dungeon Dimension.

In this universe:

All spells are granted through possessions (items/symbiotes/tattoos) which are either consumed or channeled to cast the spell.

Mana is required to both cast (x mana) and maintain a spell (when the latter makes sense: y mana per turn ).

Everything is destructable.

What I am looking for are original spells, since this is a roguelike the graphical component is limited.

The whole point of this game is to take advantage of the roguelike nature to do things which are infeasable/difficult in most modern genres:

In particular, mess with space, time, AI.

Some cool spells I'm currently working on (to give you an idea):

Soul Swap - You control the target character and it controls you while maintained.

Portal - Creates a portal to from target portal. (Like the game of the same name)

Illusion - Select a tile; monster, wall, anything: and you can 'paint' and illusion of that tile for all the enemies to see.

Magic-Mirror - A mirror you can walk through/cast through etc. (Some creatures can only be hurt in one world, don't kill your reflection!)

Farsight - Allows you to sea other areas of the map so you can cast line of site spells.

FutureSight (Requires The Sacrifice of a Chrystal ball) - Essentially acts as a save, you keep on playing, but if you die, you return to the point at which you used your Chrystal ball, you continue paying the maintenance cost but can 'cancel' at any point which 'accepts' current reality.

I want players to be creative; ie. Open a portal in front of Medusa to turn another monster to stone.

Any cool spells will be appreciated, If I end up using your spell (assuming it's original, and not 'fireball') gets an in-game mention :)


tldr: List cool spells pls.
Wormhole - you open a wormhole to the future that sucks in the next attack or ability to target you, you may then open the other end of the wormhole at anytime to release the absorbed attack onto an enemy
Premonition - You can play the next X turns without any consequence to try out strategies, like in the Next movie. Random seeds should be kept so the results are the same afterwards.
Developer for Novus Dawn : a [s]Flash[/s] Unity Isometric Tactical RPG - Forums - Facebook - DevLog
Wormhole - I think this could provide some great player satisfaction... :)Premonition - Like it! Would probably use the same mechanic as FutureSight but force you back after only a short while.

I forgot to mention; I also need spells that do direct damage... fire/ice/lightning-ball/beam/wall are all bit tame.

If the game has items to collect:
Multiplication - You can multiply items before collecting them.
Self Multiplication - You can multiply yourself.
Alchemy - You can convert items into another kind of item.
Invisibility - Nobody can see you.
[size="2"]I like the Walrus best.
What about:

Rushing River - Carves out a randomly generated river flowing from one side of the room to the other (and then add creatures like spirits or vampires that can't cross running water)
Collapse - Pull down the ceiling in a room with a chance to kill creatures within a certain radius. This one would be strategic because you'd have to make sure you weren't caught and that you weren't blocking your way out.
Phasestep - For a cost of health and mana per turn walk through solid objects, damaging them in the process (enemies included). Useful if you've blocked yourself in collapsing ceilings.
Treacherous Ground - Convert floor tiles to mud, lava, silt, etc. (after N turns so that enemies can move & it's not just insta-kill). Can act as a portal for monsters from lower levels.
Wyrmlike - Player morphs into a human-wyrm hybrid and can "stretch" around targets (like those old Surround/Snake games). Hitpoints get divided up between cells, however, making the player more vulnerable the bigger he gets.

Fatal Fog - Breathing and sighted creatures take continuous suffocation damage and are blinded, moving randomly
Stardrinker - Opens a gravity-based vortex in the center of the room. Everything not nailed down goes in, including the player (strength check to hold onto something or be behind something immovable). Intangible creatures ignore, ranged attacks curve around and into the vortex, etc.
Boneshatter - Damages monsters with skeletons, turning them into amorphous blobs. Partial effects can cause a monster to be immobilized or drop weapons. Shapeshifters can still attack from this state.
Headstrong - Monster becomes so enraged it rushes X steps in its facing direction (hopefully into a wall or off a cliff). Creatures that collide can damage armor or hit each other with weapons, even on criticals impale one another.
Open Sky - Transforms the ceiling of the dungeon into a portal, admitting moonlight, rain, sun, lightning, etc. Great for pesky vampires and trolls that hate sunlight.
Future Self - Teleports a randomized, higher level version of yourself back to you in time. The future you will have better gear, spells, etc. and may either fight alongside you, jinx you out of annoyance, be an enemy (as you've turned evil in the future) or simply curse you and disappear.
--------------------Just waiting for the mothership...
Disguise - disguises self as targeted enemy making them think you're an ally instead.

Take Control - turns target enemy into an ally. Target will then attack your enemies even if they are of the same type as the target.

Death Touch - Targeted touched enemy instantly dies. Requires as much mana as the enemy has hitpoints to cast. If the player does not have enough mana the player takes damage equal tot he target's hitpoints instead.

Trickster - Confuses enemies. Some may start walking in a random direction, others may start attacking each other, etc.

Midas Touch - Turns targeted object into gold. If target is creature same mana rules as Death Touch apply and possibly risk turning yourself into a gold statue if you have insufficient mana.

Summon Creature - Choose amount of mana to vest into the summon. The higher the mana vested the stronger the creature summoned.
Always strive to be better than yourself.
Stardrinker - Opens a gravity-based vortex[...][/quote]

[color=#1C2837][size=2]The name alone is awesome... double rainbow to you sir for finding a believable way to stick a black hole into a fantasy setting :) Will almost certainly use this in some form or other.

[color="#1c2837"]The mechanics for very powerful spells are currently that they require sacrificing a rare reagent and/or Stats. (Emergencies only is the aim)
Mana core. You cast it on a target and you have mana constantly drained as long as the target is alive. When the target dies get a flat amount of mana returned.

twist fate. target creature. if you die target creature takes flat damage, if creature dies within 10 seconds after death you are revived with flat% health.

Future strike. Does flat damage after X seconds. the more often you use this spell the shorter period of time it does damage after(5 second in future first cast, 3 seconds second, 1 second other casts).

___________nothing like a difficult infinite combo of the armor-less___________
Push or Throw - Pushes an enemy backwards (perhaps over a cliff or into a pool of acid) and damages them if they run into anything.

Likewise for Pull.

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