The story goes thus: You're an awesomely powerful (and arrogant) wizard, Chronos has just caught you sleeping with his demi-goddess daughter... in punishment; saved by her sobbing, Chronos decided that instead of smiting you, he'd strip you of all your magical artifacts and send your sorry ass to the Dungeon Dimension.
In this universe:
All spells are granted through possessions (items/symbiotes/tattoos) which are either consumed or channeled to cast the spell.
Mana is required to both cast (x mana) and maintain a spell (when the latter makes sense: y mana per turn ).
Everything is destructable.
What I am looking for are original spells, since this is a roguelike the graphical component is limited.
The whole point of this game is to take advantage of the roguelike nature to do things which are infeasable/difficult in most modern genres:
In particular, mess with space, time, AI.
Some cool spells I'm currently working on (to give you an idea):
Soul Swap - You control the target character and it controls you while maintained.
Portal - Creates a portal to from target portal. (Like the game of the same name)
Illusion - Select a tile; monster, wall, anything: and you can 'paint' and illusion of that tile for all the enemies to see.
Magic-Mirror - A mirror you can walk through/cast through etc. (Some creatures can only be hurt in one world, don't kill your reflection!)
Farsight - Allows you to sea other areas of the map so you can cast line of site spells.
FutureSight (Requires The Sacrifice of a Chrystal ball) - Essentially acts as a save, you keep on playing, but if you die, you return to the point at which you used your Chrystal ball, you continue paying the maintenance cost but can 'cancel' at any point which 'accepts' current reality.
I want players to be creative; ie. Open a portal in front of Medusa to turn another monster to stone.
Any cool spells will be appreciated, If I end up using your spell (assuming it's original, and not 'fireball') gets an in-game mention
tldr: List cool spells pls.