That part annoys me. It's surprising how many students (even my coworkers who are juniors or seniors in their CS or CIS degrees) have no interest in programming outside of their degree. I showed my CS coworker a multiplayer game I made in the browser and instead of being like "cool how does it work", like an old CS graduate I knew, he was like "I bet that was hard" and goes back to facebook.
Meh, maybe you're looking at it the wrong way. Why should a classmate or coworker (unless they're a friend) take any interest in what YOU are doing? It's really not worth getting annoyed over.
Maybe I'm not getting the entire picture or story, but if I were at work with an acquaintance (note: not a friend), I'd probably do the same thing. I go to work to work, not socialize about random, unrelated side projects (I still socialize exceptionally well to exceed job expectations and I bullshit with coworkers, when appropriate, to keep company/worker morale up). And if there is nothing to do at work, I'd value Facebook over some guy's personal interest.
Nihilism and "anti-social" behavior aside, maybe the guy just brushed you off because he isn't as experienced or knowledgeable as you in the subject of game design. He probably has at least a slight interest, but would rather not make himself look "dumb". It's all perspective.
But yeah, just relax a little. Life is too short to worry about people not taking interest in your pride.
And regarding the OP, no, my friends don't suck (I have maybe 2-4 friends, and they're all real good ones). Personally, I have a strict standard for calling/accepting people as a friend; though, I do have a number acquaintances. So I'm probably an outlier in this thread.
From your first post, it seems that you're a little clingy or need too much social interaction to keep you happy. And if I'm wrong, and they're legitimately sucky friends, there is nothing wrong with looking elsewhere for friends. People come and go. Change is good (but dont vote for change )