
If you include SDL in your project, can you also use all OpenGL functions?

Started by April 14, 2011 12:57 AM
5 comments, last by Hodgman 13 years, 9 months ago
As the title goes, do you get all the OpenGL features in SDL, regardless of what OpenGL version you have in your graphics driver? When you include SDL in your project, does it activates all OpenGL standard header files and #includes them for you in your CPP file?

SDL 1.2.14 = OpenGL 4.1 and below?

Thanks in advance.
With SDL 1.2 if you #include <SDL/SDL_opengl.h> it will include gl.h and glu.h
I don't know what versions of opengl that allows you to use but you might also need to get glew (gl extension wrangler) to bring them up to date.

Or, what I've now done is gotten SDL 1.3 which doesn't have a seperate header but I have also included gl3.h and gl3w.h and gl3w.c

Don't know about GL 4.1
No matter what version the header is, or if it just pulls in your current system OpenGL header, you'll get the version that your installed hardware driver supports and gives you. I believe SDL gives you the ability to create post-3.0 contexts, but you are still limited by what your graphics card can give you.
I do not see any problem why OpenGL should lost some of it's functionality because of SDL.
First google result:
Try some of this tutorials...
I create cool-looking Graphical Installers in NSIS:
Thanks for the info, everyone.
Looks like this thread has run its course, but it properly belongs in Business/Legal, so... here goes.

-- Tom Sloper --


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