
jump 'n' run dev tutorials

Started by April 13, 2011 02:58 PM
-1 comments, last by firyice 13 years, 7 months ago
I have been looking for some good tutorials for making a 2D platformer with C++/SDL. In searching through the forums, I constantly see recommendations to check out the jump 'n' run dev tutorials.

These tutorials were created by Florian Hufsky, and as I'm sure many of you already know, he passed away in 2009. These tutorials have recently become unavailable. From my understanding, the latest version of these tutorials were available at This site is now down, and I have only been able to access it via The WayBack Machine Internet Archives. For anyone interested, [url=""]here[/url] is the link to the latest version of these tutorials that I have been able to find.

Two Questions:
1) Does anyone know of an active version of these tutorials, or if there are plans to revive these tutorials?

2) Does anyone have any other recommendations of similar tutorials?

Thanks in advanced for the help!

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