
Survey: What do you think about the Bible?

Started by February 03, 2011 09:24 PM
229 comments, last by LancerSolurus 13 years, 6 months ago

Ok God is a shitty parent then. Parents who love their children don't let them suffer or starve or kill each other. You could ask any parent in Japan right now that lost a child in the earthquake if they had the power to stop the earthquake would they have and I guarantee they will say yes. God has the power to create a universe but can't stop an earthquake? If you're this supreme perfect being why create a world that has earthquakes in the first place.

You are making the questionable assumption that stopping that earth quake is what is best for the whole. Let's just go on a solar system scale. If you knew that causing that earthquake would result in the eventual creation of a technology that would stop the sun from expanding to envelope the earth or the technology to be able to evacuate the earth when that happens, would you cause the earthquake or would you let humanity as a whole die? It's kind of like the, "would you kill baby Hitler?" question. Sure you killed Hitler and saved millions of people, but now to the rest of the world you are a baby killing psychopath.

On a more realistic human scale I bet you have walked down the street in a city and been asked at one point or another if you had any change by a homeless person. If you did not give them change are you an asshole? You are letting them suffer and potentially die after all. What if you could give all of those people change every time they ask or you could donate the entire sum to a homeless shelter that would benefit all of them more than giving each individual a small amount of change?

There's also something to be said for God probably not viewing death the same as we do. We view death very negatively (at least most cultures do). I believe it to be more of a welcome home from God's perspective. A life of suffering is also a blink of the eye when measured against an eternity of bliss.

[quote name='monkey8751' timestamp='1300288598' post='4786551']
Ok God is a shitty parent then. Parents who love their children don't let them suffer or starve or kill each other. You could ask any parent in Japan right now that lost a child in the earthquake if they had the power to stop the earthquake would they have and I guarantee they will say yes. God has the power to create a universe but can't stop an earthquake? If you're this supreme perfect being why create a world that has earthquakes in the first place.

You are making the questionable assumption that stopping that earth quake is what is best for the whole. Let's just go on a solar system scale. If you knew that causing that earthquake would result in the eventual creation of a technology that would stop the sun from expanding to envelope the earth or the technology to be able to evacuate the earth when that happens, would you cause the earthquake or would you let humanity as a whole die? It's kind of like the, "would you kill baby Hitler?" question. Sure you killed Hitler and saved millions of people, but now to the rest of the world you are a baby killing psychopath.

On a more realistic human scale I bet you have walked down the street in a city and been asked at one point or another if you had any change by a homeless person. If you did not give them change are you an asshole? You are letting them suffer and potentially die after all. What if you could give all of those people change every time they ask or you could donate the entire sum to a homeless shelter that would benefit all of them more than giving each individual a small amount of change?

There's also something to be said for God probably not viewing death the same as we do. We view death very negatively (at least most cultures do). I believe it to be more of a welcome home from God's perspective. A life of suffering is also a blink of the eye when measured against an eternity of bliss.

I don't have unlimited money to give to the homeless. I'm not a god. If I was I would stop the earthquake because I'm a god. Even if it would stop them from creating a technology to evacuate the earth. Because I'd still be a god and I could stop the sun from expanding. Why would I stop an earthquake but not stop the sun from expanding and destroying the earth?
werewolf is boys. naked.
[size="2"]I like the Walrus best.

I don't have unlimited money to give to the homeless. I'm not a god. If I was I would stop the earthquake because I'm a god. Even if it would stop them from creating a technology to evacuate the earth. Because I'd still be a god and I could stop the sun from expanding. Why would I stop an earthquake but not stop the sun from expanding and destroying the earth?

I would recommend you reading the prodigal son parable, while you're at it read genesis too. The reasons that God acts or does not act are for the most part laid out in the bible, and no reading the bible is not a bad thing for an agnostic or atheist to do.
Kinda off-tangent here, but something that always has bugged me: It is known that the Bible describes that Elijah did not die, but ascended into heaven, and expected to return. If I remember correctly, Jesus himself said that John the Baptist was, indeed, Elijah. Even though we know that John was born like everybody else(and also IIRC he denied that he's Elijah). What's the deal here? Does Christianism accept some form of re-incarnation? I really don't think so...

If I remember correctly, Jesus himself said that John the Baptist was, indeed, Elijah.

Only in a certain way:

Luke 1:17 - And he will go on before the Lord, in the spirit and power of Elijah, to turn the hearts of the fathers to their children and the disobedient to the wisdom of the righteous—to make ready a people prepared for the Lord."

Does Christianism accept some form of re-incarnation?


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[quote name='mikeman' timestamp='1300371122' post='4787001']
Does Christianism accept some form of re-incarnation?


That's not completely accurate. Christianism don't accept re-incarnation álà Budism, but it does embrace the concept of re-incarnating in a brand new incorruptible body at the day of the resurrection of all the dead, being Jesuschrist the first human re-incarnated in such body.
Also, judaism as well as christianism accept the concept of spiritual possesion be it benign (by holy spirit / angels) or malign (demons).
[size="2"]I like the Walrus best.

[quote name='mikeman' timestamp='1300371122' post='4787001']
If I remember correctly, Jesus himself said that John the Baptist was, indeed, Elijah.

Only in a certain way:

Luke 1:17 - And he will go on before the Lord, in the spirit and power of Elijah, to turn the hearts of the fathers to their children and the disobedient to the wisdom of the righteous—to make ready a people prepared for the Lord."

I was mostly referring to "and if you're willing to accept it, he was Elijah that was to come". That one seems pretty explicit...

[quote name='Machaira' timestamp='1300373189' post='4787018']
[quote name='mikeman' timestamp='1300371122' post='4787001']
If I remember correctly, Jesus himself said that John the Baptist was, indeed, Elijah.

Only in a certain way:

Luke 1:17 - And he will go on before the Lord, in the spirit and power of Elijah, to turn the hearts of the fathers to their children and the disobedient to the wisdom of the righteous—to make ready a people prepared for the Lord."

I was mostly referring to "and if you're willing to accept it, he was Elijah that was to come". That one seems pretty explicit...

Here there is an explanation I find quite accurate.
[size="2"]I like the Walrus best.
Anyone here thought of believing in yourself for a change? It does work btw. These threads always lead nowhere and every forum I have read them on they go on and on and on.....................

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