
Should I file a complaint against this Doctor?

Started by January 28, 2011 05:02 PM
29 comments, last by Ravyne 13 years, 6 months ago
Get a second oppinion, and if the same suggestions come up, speak to the doctor about *why* the tests are being ordered -- From what you've said, you didn't even care to ask the first doctor about why she had ordered such a battery of tests, only assumed a financial motive. Its not impossible that this could be the case, but what you've done is heard the clippity-clop of hooves and decided that they must be coming from a zebra -- a horse is more likely, or perhaps a mule :) but its kind of silly to jump straight to zebra. Likewise, whatever treatment you end up undertaking, it should also start with the most likely culprits, instead of zebras, unless the evidence is strong or your condition worsens acutely.

You certainly don't want to file a complaint on your own (medically) uneducated opinion and assumptions -- as others have said, thats part of why their insurance premiums are so high, and medicine so expensive consequently. Get a second opinion and move forward from there.

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