Original post by makeshiftwings
The romances in the Black Isle games (Baldur's Gate 2, Planescape...) seemed much more mature to me, and were actually enjoyable, as opposed to the random scantily clad girls in most games, which mostly make me feel like everyone was right when they said video games are for kids.
Of course, the humorous sexual situations in Fallout 2 kind of reversed any notion of "more mature." (your character could help make a porn movie for 5 bottlecaps, among other things)
Also, in my life, I generally try to uphold such Chaotic Good beliefs as feminism and gay rights; but games sometimes seem to be developed by a horde of homophobic chauvinists. Then again, I suppose most of the suburban teenage male population is a horde of homophobic chauvinists, and developers are just catering to their audience.
Indeed, this is probably very close to the mark.
I for one, know a lot of gamers that would have a fatal heart attack if they found out their battle-hardened space marine was going around kissing boys, though I myself would be thrilled to see something like that in a game.
Yeah, as you point out the traditional bias is tolerance toward lesbian relationships, if anything (which seems to be a common adolescent male fantasy-- heh, nevermind that in reality it would have nothing to do with the fantasizer, anyway).
Now, I'm not saying we should all release games with lots of naked guys running around, I'm just trying to make a point that nudity in games isn't actually there for "realism" or "artistic reasons" as some people want to believe, it's really just some naked chicks to keep the teenage boys interested.
LOL!!!!! Dead on bullseye! Dead on!
So, ideas? Can nudity and sex be included tastefully, perhaps even artistically, into a game?
Probably not for awhile. Games have a lot of growing up to do, if at all. As Europeans are keen on observing of American media, we're more comfortable watching a bullet shatter a human eye socket in high textured detail than we are in seeing a naked body.
Most games are not about people. They're typically about things (like new plate mail armor; another tank; the red keycard, etc.) Contrasted to stories or movies, this is probably another reason why sex is so objectified. Even though there are tons of games with characters, it's very difficult to fit human nuance into them. And sexuality is all about nuance.
Or maybe just put some porn in to help the game sell (not an option for me persnoally) ?
Heh, "the only business the internet making money..." Poly porn is probably the wave of the future...
Would gamers in general even play Killfest 6000 if the main character was acting suspiciously gay during the opening sequence?
Probably not, especially now that a new generation has popularized the use of the word 'gay' as an epithet to disparage all manner of things. For more diversity, you need to go higher on the "cultural IQ" scale. So that's neither WWF or Quake XLIV. Adventure games might be your best shot here, out of all the genres.
Just waiting for the mothership...
Edited by - Wavinator on September 2, 2001 10:25:57 PM