Hey there,
I've been lurking around here for some time, popping in and out everynow and then to see if there was anything interesting.
Either way, I thought I'd show my weary head and tell you guys a little bit about what I'm planning and working on. So here goes.
It's called Singularity and it's a single player story centered mod for Medal of Honor: Allied Assault. Hold your questions... I'm a level designer on MOH, that's why... okay.
Now what I'm currently doing is writing the design document. Which of course is quite a handful, I've got a habit of being something of a perfectionist... anal if you will

. It has to be juuust right, and detailed as hell.
(I wrote some notes on game design writing over here: http://pub73.ezboard.com/ftheinfestedcorefrm5.showMessage?topicID=11.topic - Oh, and the basic template for my design document is here: http://pub73.ezboard.com/ftheinfestedcorefrm5.showMessage?topicID=12.topic).
Anyway, right now I'm flowcharting the storyline. I've done it before on a smaller scale for my roleplaying games (Heavy Gear and Cyberpunk 2020 mostly

, but never in my designs before, and I'm really surprised at how well it's going. I start out by doing it on paper and then after I've messed around with it enough, drafted a few attempts, I do it on the computer and export/import the flowchart into my word document. Works really well.
I'm really interested in hearing how other people go about coming up with locations and events. I often hit snags where I can't really move across. It's like I know where I want to go, but I can't find the road there

I've thought of just doing a complete brainscourge and writing everything I can come up with down into a database and then keep updating it all the time. Then whenever I'm stomped I can go through it and see if there's anything that catches my eye...
I did something along the same lines when preparing for Singularity. I kept adding stuff to a word document. I never structured it or went back and changed anything, I just added on top all the time. It's 34 pages now, top to bottom margin to margin all text... And it's MESSY!

But I'm slowly cleaning it up. Although my design document is 37 pages now and I'm only about 7-8 pages through the notes document

Of course there's a lot that won't be applicable anymore as new ideas have made old ones redundant... Overall I think it's a great way of getting as many ideas out there as possible...
Hmm... what else to say. Well I haven't really told you what Singularity is really about... Hehe, I won't either

It's not that I think you're gong to run off with my ideas or anything, but right now I'm still designing them myself, so I don't really feel like showing them off yet.
I don't pretend that I'm going to rock the world of game design though, there's always a chance though

But if anything I'm hoping that Singularity will get noticed because of it's mature story, world and characters.
I've done some sketchy outlining of what Singularity is about though, feel free to check it out and throw me some comments http://pub73.ezboard.com/ftheinfestedcorefrm17 (here or in the Singularity forums).
Well, that's it for now

Thanks for listening, I'm happy to be onboard, and I look forward to many fruitful conversations both here and hopefully on Nerve Impulse.
Michael Heilemann
Designer on Singularity - Sysop at Nerve Impulse
Let us never allow ourselves the sin to forget our dreams!
Edited by - Eudaimic on August 24, 2001 6:03:05 PM
Michael Heilemann--------------------------- Designer on Singularity - Sysop at Nerve Impulse Let us never allow ourselves the sin of forgetting our dreams!