
A Logo

Started by August 22, 2001 02:23 AM
3 comments, last by Nullio 23 years, 1 month ago
Ok first off I gotta admin I''m a programmer and REALLY suck at doing art but am presented with a problem, I need to make a nice looking logo. Having limited experience with a few graphics programs (photoshop, flash, 3d studio) I still find myself creating bland logo''s some of them look good but they don''t really stand out from the rest. So I need you art peoples help, have you guys created a kewl logo? can I see it? what program do you use? are there any articles or tuts that can help me out??
Fireworks rules !!
use trial version to have a look
The program you use doesn''t really matter - you could use Deluxe Paint on a 286 and still come up with a great logo. If you''re in desperate need of artistic assistance, try putting a post in the Help Wanted forum - I''m sure someone will respond and be able to give you what you need.

- Nick Robalik
-Nick "digisoap" RobalikWeb & Print Design, 2D & 3D Illustration and Animation, Game Design[][/email]
Its not really the program its the person who does it. PSP7, photoshop 5.5 NOT 6, and Fireworks are what I use. Email me with what you need and I will make it for you.

"I''''ve sparred with creatures from the nine hells themselves... I barely plan on breaking a sweat here, today."~Drizzt Do''''Urden
------------------------------Put THAT in your smoke and pipe it

go here:

we do logos, if that''s the type of thing your looking for, I''ll tell you how they were done.



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