Hi, I'm studying in 3d arts and I recently created a map in UDK for an exam, I really liked the concept so I decided to push it further, so far I've only begun to upgrade the textures and i'm currently modeling foliage, but I'd like to know what people think about what I have done up until now. I'm open to whatever comment, good or bad, I want to improve and for that, I need to know what my mistakes are and what I can add to make It better.
Here's a link to a video of this map;
If anyone wants better shots of certain objects, I can take closer snapshots.
Hope to get feedback soon!
A little update on my map, I just finished creating (putting together pieces of tutorials and examples on internet) two shaders for my map, a Half lambert and an outline post process.
to view the video, click on the link below.
[Edited by - special821 on September 3, 2010 1:21:44 AM]