Quote: Original post by TyrianFin
1. Is there special nead to lock animation keys to spesific time?
Float variables can handle fractional numbers :D
Normaly framerate in games is dynaamic and lives on 15.0fps - 120.0fps,
unlike in movies where framerate is fixed to 24fps.
But since monitors normaly are limited to max. 60fps,
there is no advantage of going above 60fps. (if no motion blur is calculated.)
(normaly I don`t care where keys land, I just make sure that animation looks good)
face morphs are must for complex face expressions, but if only moving chin is neaded, then bone animation works.
There is some cases where direct vertex animation is neaded.
Flag waving in wind. (cloth simulation baked to vertices.)
Motion trails fx / streaks.
Complex morphing, that neads non-linear blending of vertices.
About 3: The flag thing, this is usually handled by physics engines (or other procedural animation techniques) these days rather than animators. Is this something you agree upon, within the context of your own experience?
Question 4: In the content creation software these days, creating separate animation sequences is a bit of a pain in the butt. Would you welcome a tool/exporter which moves the creation of animation sequences from the engine's domain, to the animator/content creation software/exporter's domain?