List of ContentsThe following is an attempt to list all components of this interactive story. Since I know the chapters of the story, I can catalog the components by chapter. Each component described below has two tags. The first tag indicates the status. The second tag indicates the component type.
For Status:
O = done to satisfaction
X = not done
For Component Type:
GUI = Something that is an interactive environment for the player
Res = (Resource) Something the game grabs. This could be text, image, etc.
Rule = Something that dictates how the game behaves
Struct = (Structure) Something the game uses to store player generated content
The Components:Chapter 1: A Fleeting GuardianThe player solves riddles to locate Skyle in the City. In the very beginning, the player starts at a location with a narrative description followed by a question. The player answers the question by selecting the next location to view. If the selected location is the answer, the players moves closer to Skyle. If the player selects the wrong location, the distance resets. After a few rounds, if the distance is close enough, the player meets Skyle, who introduces herself to the player.
Minimum Components:
X [Res] Locations with names and descriptions
O [Res] Riddles with answers
X [Res] Skyle's self introduction
X [GUI] For viewing text
X [GUI] For selecting the next location
X [Rule] For computing the distance to Skyle based on player's choices of location
X [Res] Background image for each location
X [Res] Images of Skyle
X [Res] Images of dummy characters in the city
X [Res] Description of dummy characters
Chapter 2: The Treasure WithinSkyle asks the player a question and explores the answer with the player. The player answers the question by proposing an explanation, which is tested against facts. After solving a few questions correctly, Skyle introduces the concept of schemata, and the item that represents the player's schemata and known facts. The player chooses an icon for the item and names the item.
Minimum Components:
O [Res] Questions
X [Res] Facts
X [Res] Skyle's verbal responses w.r.t. the results
X [Res] Skyle's introduction of schemata
X [Res] Icons for the gift
X [Res] Description of the symbolism for each icon
X [GUI] For composing explanations
X [GUI] For choosing and naming the gift
X [GUI] For browsing schemata and facts
X [Rule] For checking an explanation against facts
O [Rule] For affecting Skyle's emotion
X [Struct] For storing explanations
X [Struct] For storing schemata
In this upgrade, the form of gift depends on the schemata used to solve the questions.
X [Rule] Skyle's dialog to pick the icon of the gift
Chapter 3: Forgotten DreamsSkyle introduces the player to Shadows, which are problems that troubles people. The player uses schemata to solve Shadows. The schemata is checked against the facts that sustains the schemata of the Shadows. If the schemata is invalid, Skyle returns the invalidating fact. If the player accepts the fact, the related schemata of the player also become invalid, which makes Shadows solved by those schemata reappear. The objective of the game is to solve all Shadows.
Minimum Components:
X [Res] Skyle's introduction to Shadows
O [Res] Description for each Shadow
X [Res] Schemata and facts that sustain each Shadow
X [Res] Description of the effects to the character when the Shadow is solved
X [GUI] For viewing the health of all Shadows
X [GUI] For browsing the schemata of a character
X [Rule] For affecting Skyle's emotion
X [Rule] For fetching an invalidating fact from a character
X [Rule] For interpreting the health of the player's schemata
After solving Shadows, Skyle recognizes the player as a Seeker and introduces the player to other Seekers.
X [Res] Skyle's recognition of the player as a Seeker
X [Res] Skyle's introduction to Seekers
X [Database] Status of Seekers
X [GUI] For viewing the status of other Seekers
X [Rule] For ranking the player against other Seekers
Misc ComponentsX [Res] Theme music
X [GUI] Title screen
Comments:Which parts of this list create drama?
Drama is the quality that evokes anticipation of a revelation in the player, and aligns the player's emotion with the climax. To create drama is to show a conflicting situation and to tell the player when they are close to the resolution. So there are two parts: To provide conflict, and to tease.
Chapter 1:
The revelation is the player meeting Skyle. The conflict is her mysterious appearance before the player meets her. The player knows that he is close when the riddle is left more recently. When the player finds a message she left three days ago, the message points to where she was two days ago. So if the player finds the message she left yesterday, the player can solve for where she is today.
Chapter 2:
The revelation is the gift. The conflict is the phenomenon that cannot be solved without schemata. As the player explores the schemata to explain the phenomenon, Skyle comments on the player's style and explores what the player likes. Since an explanation is validated by parts, the player can tell he is close to solving the question by counting the parts yet to be validated. At the same time, the player can tell something is up because Skyle starts to comment more about the player instead of the original question.
Chapter 3:
The revelation is the role as Seeker. The conflict is not knowing the schemata and facts that Shadows have. As the player solves Shadows, Skyle starts to describe what she does and the world she faces. The player gets to know what Skyle's abilities are, and how the player's effort fit in the overall situation.