Skyle was sleeping, curled up like a cat. She slept long after solving a
shadow everytime, as if to replenish the witchy energy she overdrew
for the case.
The girl learned that the divorce would not change how much she loved
her dad. It was true that mom didn't want to be with dad, but she didn't
have to adopt her mom's feeling. Her feeling belonged to her. She loved
him, and she knew that he felt the same.
Watching Skyle, I wondered whether I had a shadow. If I had one, would
I want her to know about it? What if mine was unsolvable? I felt that
if I were to have a problem, I wouldn't want her to worry. It wouldn't
worth her while. Really, it wouldn't.
I noticed that Skyle was awake. She had that puzzled expression again.
That can't be, she just finished a shadow, not another one already...
She ask: "If I were ugly, would you have talked to me?"
I said:
a) It wouldn't matter at all.
b) What do you mean? You aren't exactly hot.
c) Probably not.
d) Probably not--and I won't know what I missed.
e) Actually I would more be afraid of beautiful people.
f) It depends. If you owed me money I wouldn't care.