Original post by MikeD
There can''t possibly be a neural network method that''s best for solving the FPS problem, because FPS isn''t a problem, it''s a game type. Name a problem within the FPS genre that AI has to solve and I''ll give my opinion, which isn''t expert, but it is competent.
One thing I can conjecture is that any form of supervised learning will not work, as supervised learning requires knowing the correct answer to calculate the error to back propogate from. If you know the answer in some numeric form the system can understand then you''ve solved the problem and don''t need the network in the first place.
Beyond that, please tell me what jargon I''m using. I''d like to know where I''ve been flagrantly disregarding explanation and confusing people, instead of merely trying to be specific.
I beg to differ, Mike! The FPS game type incorporates probelms suitable for solution by a neural network (learning the behaviour of players about an environmment and from this, determining the best routes around the environment to maximise the number of frags, or to find power ups). A neural network can exist to solve an FPS problem. If the network is trained with all possible routes through an environment, and given a starting point and an end point, then the net should be able to return one or several possible paths to the end point. This should not be a problem for competitive learning (ignoring the actual complexity of the network), as by its very nature, it is suited to these sorts of problems.
This fulfils the requirement for providing the network with the ''correct answers'' as you mentioned for supervised learning. The only situation where this may fall apart is if you have an environment with an infinite number of paths - which would require such a network to be trained for an infinite amount of time, or trained for a limited amount of time and apply some form of probability theory elsewhere in the code to assess the suitability of a given solution by the network.
I argue that if a problem can be resolved to a finite set of primitives, then a network (irrespective of complexity) exists to solve the problem. The thing to remember here is that we are trying to get the system to be able to identify a problem and return an appropriate solution.
The ''jargon'' I mentioned was to the fact that we have ''AI newbies'' who will not be familiar with gradient decent methods and the like. I am trying to keep it simple.