
[UFEC] Results

Started by April 28, 2010 12:29 PM
5 comments, last by Lesan 14 years, 4 months ago
The contest has been concluded. I am pleased to announce that many judges have been able to submit sizeable feedback on all of the games submitted. While at the start of the judging period, when only two games were submitted, I thought this would end badly, and when, just three days ago, I checked the database to find out that there are only 4 or 5 feedbacks, today there are about fifteen of them. The scoring system is, of course, far from perfect. Unless every judges scores every category of every game, it will be infair and it IS unfair. I must say I quite disagree with the results but they are what they are. This should not matter, however, as the main aim of the contest - to join the community in achieving a common goal with other, and receiving feedback - is fulfilled. Now on to the results. Place 1: Lord of the Elementals (fang) Score: 81.36 % Technical Score: 1st place Production Score: 1st place Gameplay Score: 1st place Element Integration Score: 1st place (near-tie with 2nd - 1% difference) Place 2: Primordial Blues (rip-off) Score: 70.36 % Technical Score: 4th place Production Score: 2nd place Gameplay Score: 2nd place Element Integration Score: 2nd place (near-tie with 1st - 1% difference) Place 3: Forest Defense (Kamen Kitanov) Score: 57.97 % Technical Score: 2nd place Production Score: 5th place Gameplay Score: 3rd place Element Integration Score: 3rd place Place 4-5 (tie): The Origin of Aliens (Erik Rufelt) Score: 46.67 % Technical Score: 5th place Production Score: 4th place Gameplay Score: 4th place Element Integration Score: 4th place Place 4-5 (tie): Cycle (XDigital) Score: 46.25 % Technical Score: 3rd place Production Score: 3rd place Gameplay Score: 5th place Element Integration Score: 5th place The feedback (in words) is now available at the UFEC website: If you notice any errors, inform me. Use this thread for discussion. I will contact the sponsors now to see if they are still able to deliver the prizes, then I will contact all the participants. You are still able to submit feedback. It will only not be taken into account for the results table. I enjoyed all the games I played (that is all except Primordial Blues that I was unable to launch) and congratulations to all participants and thank-you to all judges! [Edited by - Lesan on May 20, 2010 10:22:45 AM]
Very good work Lesan,thanks both to you and the community for the involvement in this event.

I cannot comment on all of the results,because it would be subjective(as I'm a participant),however,I must say that the 1st place is in the right hands in my opinion (Congrats fang!).

Personally I'm satisfied with my own accomplishment,because I've got a lot of feedback to think about,and when you get noticed by the majority of people around you,it always means something.

Good luck,and I'm looking for the next 4 Elements contest.
I personally haven't been following the contest too closely, and I haven't tried out any of the entries yet but I do want to give a big kudos to everyone that participated.
Thanks, Lesan!

I'm pleased at how the competition went and pleasantly surprised with the results.

Lesan, is there any reason you didn't let me know about the problems you were having with my entry? I could have tried to figure out the problem had I known about it.
The reason? ... ehm... I downloaded the entry only several hours before I made visible the judging... but I guess I shouldn`t have told this publicly ... :D

Anyway, if you can tell me how to repair it, I`d be happy to give you feedback post-competition.
Thanks Lesan, and thanks to all who played the games and commented on them. The feedbacks are very informative and I really learned a lot from this UFEC.

sorry I mised this update since I've been kept very busy with an apartment hunt in NYC. anyway I'd say I liked each game entry and enjoyed playing them. can't wait to see the next UFEC (if there's enough interest in it).
Chameleon Startup Manager by Neosoft Tools has been awarded and the keys have just been given to the top three finishers.


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