
Parsing String's Help!?

Started by August 08, 2001 10:54 AM
2 comments, last by Zerosignull 23 years, 6 months ago
Has ne body got ne good ieas on how about going about the extrating of the "Origin" data from the following text? { "classname" "info_player_deathmatch" "angle" "273" "origin" "464 -32 -216" } ~prevail by daring to fail~
char* originpos;
// set originpos to first letter in the word origin
originpos = strstr( text, "\"origin\"");
// move originpos up to the first number
originpos += strlen( "\"origin\" \"");
int part1, part2, part3;
// convert string to number
part1 = atoi( originpos);
// move to next space
originpos = strstr( originpos, " ");
originpos += strlen( " ");
part2 = atoi( originpos);
// move to next space
originpos = strstr( originpos, " ");
originpos += strlen( " ");
part3 = atoi( originpos);
Casn u point me to some tutorials so i can beter under stand what some of those funstions do like


~prevail by daring to fail~
strstr() and atoi() are in the standard C libraries. Look in any reference book. I suggest buying "The C Programming Language" by Kernighan and Ritchie, the guys who basically wrote the C language. It''s a great reference book.


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