Thanks for your website feedback. It's much appreciated :)
Quote:Original post by Shadowwoelf -You should get rid of the giant yellow logo that says Play now, Forever Free! I've seen too many internet ad's that used a similar style so that ruins the experience. -Right now with a resolution of 1024 I have to scroll to the side to log in. -In the forums the "Confrontation Unlimited Community Board ... for those who prefer word over sword" Text blocks out the other logo next to it.
I just realized that a lot of people are still using 1024 displays. I thought they wouldn't exist anymore except for an old one for emergency cases maybe. but according to steam's statistics, a lot of them are still used by gamers. So I agree, I have to make the website fit on 1024 pixels displays I guess. This is the case for the website and the login form, the forum logo overlapping itself and the play now button doesn't look that big on my display actually, but is probably half the screen or more on a 1024er display ...
Quote: -Bikini girl=Eh. Its not really helping you. You should put in some guy in awesome armor or a battle in the background that's epic.
Ok I'll think about that. Why are those girls in all those games if the people posting to this thread think they are wrong placed. After all, people posting in this forum, are the people making those games as well. Isn't that so?
Quote: -Newbie guide: Giant wall of text. Consider using some pictures to illustrate.
I know, that's bad. I plan to present more about that on the wiki and remove that page altogether.
Quote: -All images on the website should go to the screen gallery. Example would be the bottom picture on the main page goes to the download screen. (I wanted a closer look at the picture though)
I'm not sure I understand what you are suggesting here. Do you suggest to remove all pictures from the website and move them to the gallery? That'ld make the website look text only.
If you want a larger version of the image with the speech bubble, I'm afraid there is non. I just took a screenshot from the game, resized it and draw the speech bubble on top of it manually. There are in game screenshots in the screenshot section though, those can be viewed at the original size.
Quote: -Remove the smilies on the web page in text. Doesn't help, may harm your image.
I just thought, that'ld make the website feel more personal, after all it's just me doing this game and not a large company. If I try to look and feel like a large company wouldn't that create wrong assuptions and making people wonder when they realize that it's only me at some point?
Quote: -Maybe consider removing the wiki till there's something in it. You don't want people to come in to a blank page
Heh, when you tried it, I probably just have added it. When I started this thread, there hasn't been a wiki at all. It's new. Now, there is some info in it.
Quote: As for the game itself have a thread in your forums that ask what features people want now asap. Then just put like the top 5 and have a poll. Then you know what you should be working on to get more people interested.
That's an interesting idea, I could try that. But it's difficult to handle what players wish for. A friend of mine who plays Beyond Protocol told me, they invented a Senat in the game that consist of players. This senate can vote for things to change in the game every month or so. This senat exists since mid 2009 as far as I remeber. And since then 5 or 6 things were decided to change by the Senat. The problem now is, since then, according to him, they can't hold up to the decisions the senat made. Some were quite game mechanic changing. So maybe I could give a list of features and ask them what they would like to see first instead of letting them suggest. I have to think about the features I should suggest though ...
Quote: My other suggestion was to get players involved in creating content for the world. Being one person you are limited in what you can do.
Actually, that was my plan from the beginning. Right now there is no such functionality in it though. My plan was to allow players to upload models and design maps and let others play it. But as long as noone plays the basic game, I guess it's useless to implement those functionality. Who wants to mod a game nobody plays? Or am I wrong?