
Gamedesigner looking for a team to join...

Started by July 31, 2001 06:53 PM
2 comments, last by Sworddancer 23 years, 6 months ago
Hi! I have put a lot of serious work in a fantasy-RPG in my sparetime. Workingname: "Tears from a God". My vision of a RPG. I also work on a couple of other projects. "Project DuoCraft" is one of them. It´s a mix of Shoot´em-up, RPG and Sci-fi-adventure. I´m most into RPG and crossbreeders. I would like to join a team of serious people. We can work on one of my project, one of yours or start from scratch and it doesn´t has to be a RPG. If you can find some use for me that is. Finally I want to add that english isn´t my tongue but I do my best. Mail me or leave a message here Kimus E-mail:
Here´s a link to one (inactive) homepage.
Most of the materials have been taken away.
But I hope it will give you a taste of what I want to do.

If you have questions that aren´t answered on this homepage.
Mail me!

Kim the Sworddancer

We need a bit more info... What kind of work will you do? Just write a story? In that case, all you could with us is write all the background history to put into the game... Or can you also program a bit? Or do we need to program every single little thing you come up with?
I am not at a programmer.
But I have people and can use some help.
Right now I am trying to form a serious team for either a full game or a gamedemo.
Have some contacts and with some luck the means to complete my vision.


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