
game dev for linux: overview

Started by July 29, 2001 05:39 PM
19 comments, last by cmdkeen 23 years, 1 month ago
Learfox: It doesn''t really matter that SDL is a portable library or a Linux-only one. The point is that you can make professional or professional-quality games with it. And yes, if you want to get into the finer points of Linux programming, you can''t do it all through SDL, but it''s not like you can''t access the underlying system when you use SDL; your program just won''t be portable anymore.

My point is that it doesn''t matter whether the games were originally written with DirectX and then changed to SDL or written in SDL originially, SDL still drives some AAA titles out there. And given that the original poster has experience with directx, a library that is used to port directx games seems only natural.

But yes, if you''re determined to write games that specifically *don''t* port to non *nix platforms, then you''ll have to go out of your way when using SDL.

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