
UFEC: For both judges and contestants

Started by December 19, 2009 06:06 AM
2 comments, last by Lesan 14 years, 9 months ago
Based on the form TheFlyingDutchman posted in the discussion in October and based on the judging table in the Rules at UFEC website, I put together a form. In this form, a judge will enter scores and feedback for each entry. During the judging period, this form will be, in HTML and PHP, available at the UFEC website. So far it is an Excel file and the contestnant can use it to tweak their game to gain the most points. Download judging form (XLS) If you want to change something about the judging criteria or the form, use this thread for discussion.

Searching for judges

Every contestant will be able to use the form to judge other entries on-site during the judging period and this will affect the "community scoring." However, prizes shall be distributed based only on forms by official judges. If you want to become an official judge, you must fulfill the following:
  • You must be willing to judge at least half of the entries.
  • You must not be a competitor yourself.
  • You must, before the judging period, judge one of the three best games of 4e6 (Assault on Planet Equidon, Seven Crystals of Power or Pwnyz) using the form and send it to me, to prove that you are a judge willing to invest some time.
[Edited by - Lesan on December 23, 2009 11:53:24 AM]
the Unofficial 4E contest looking for 'Official Judges'... who must meet the criteria.

I like it
Your XLS link is messed up, you need to remove the gamedev part in front of it...

Youtube Channel

Thank you, link fixed.

As for the "officiality," it got a little out of control. It remains in the name and now, the only thing it does is stating that we are not a's contest. In other senses of the word, we are "official" - we have rules, prizes, site, name...

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