
Logo design feedback

Started by November 09, 2009 02:33 PM
10 comments, last by tremault 15 years, 2 months ago
I'm posting this here as a favor for someone who would like feedback on their game's logo. He's a good fellow and I'm happy to do so ;) I'd like to know what indie gamers think of this game logo. It would be most helpful to me if you answered the questions BEFORE looking at other peoples' answers: 1) What does the logo say? 2) How fast were you able to read it?
Can't read the 2nd letter, sorry - my first guess was that it was the symbol for female/venus, then my second guess was an o with a bar across the top, then perhaps an o with a bar superimposed on a t... But I'm really not sure.

I want to help design a "sandpark" MMO. Optional interactive story with quests and deeply characterized NPCs, plus sandbox elements like player-craftable housing and lots of other crafting. If you are starting a design of this type, please PM me. I also love pet-breeding games.

(1) Kotiro?
(2) That second character is very complicated. :P
Amateurs practice until they do it right.Professionals practice until they never do it wrong.
The design looks alright to me, a little to circular though I feel.

1.) Kolro
2.) It took me about 15 seconds. I had to read it over ~5 times.

I'm not understanding what is around the first 'o', but it appears to me to just be a little design flair.
Denzel Morris (@drdizzy) :: Software Engineer :: SkyTech Enterprises, Inc.
"When men are most sure and arrogant they are commonly most mistaken, giving views to passion without that proper deliberation which alone can secure them from the grossest absurdities." - David Hume
At first glance I thought it said Kontrol. This obviously isn't the case, but the more I look at it the less sure I an about what it is. Right now I'm thinking Koiro and it took me a couple of minutes to settle on that.
1) Koiro, although I'm unsure about that second glyph and the middle letter looks a bit like a bracket.
2) A few seconds to get to "Koiro", many more pondering whether there's a T in there somewhere.
1) Kótiro?
2) Enough to count as an effort, not too long for it to be a chore. [smile]
For myself, I decided in a few seconds that this obviously said "Kolro".

(And regardless of the reading of the letters, I think the hexagon-in-circle composition, the off-grey shades, and the tapering ovoid shapes of this design are quite lovely. I'd even say that the design is too subtle to immediately read to me as a game logo; I mean this in the best possible way.)
1)For the first minute I thought it was Kiloro. Now I'm wondering if it might also be Koloro or Kóloro.
2) About 2 minutes- but I still haven't decided which it is.

When I first saw it I thought to myself "Why, that is a logo for a snow boarding game! Or maybe a stylized Celtic-y game!

Although it is difficult to understand the logo, you should be fine as long as you can get the name of the game across through other means (like having a "normal" title at the top of the game box). I believe I have seen this technique used before, I cannot remember where.

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