
Good books?

Started by July 18, 2001 01:46 PM
1 comment, last by stealthoni 23 years, 5 months ago
I just bought 150 dollars worth of books from Barnes & Noble, and Visual C++ 6.0 Standard Edition. Anywho, I want to know if these books are good for me. I don''t know any programming with the exception of a little BASIC. I have the receit, so if these are bad books... 1. Sams Teach Yourself Visual C++ 6 In 21 Days 2. Advanced 3-D Programming Using DirectX 7, by Adrian Perez w/ Dan Royer 3. OpenGL Game Programming by, Kevin Hawkings (you know him!), Dave Astle (him too!), and Andre LaMothe (In the Prima Tech''s Game Dev series) Should I get any other books too? I also have Game Design: Secrets of the Sages 2nd Ed which I bought before these books. ~oni
You should definetly get "Tricks of The Windows Game Programming Gurus" by Andre Lamonthe.

Its a great book which covers all aspects of game development: design, coding, business, etc.
Those are all good books but just a few things.

1.Return number 2 and go get "Tricks Of The Windows Game Programming Gurus" by andre lamothe.

2. read the books in this order:
a.Sams Teach Yourself Visual C++ 6 In 21 Days
b."Tricks Of The Windows Game Programming Gurus"
c. OpenGL Game Programming

after that, you should be pretty good then you can go to 3d.
but before doing advanced 3d, try doing basic 3d.


Edited by - Sickilla on July 18, 2001 3:06:17 PM

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