
How much do you think this is worth??

Started by August 08, 2009 10:10 PM
17 comments, last by Ravyne 15 years, 1 month ago
PC Specs: Motherboard: GigaByte EP45-UD3L Processor: Intel Core2 Quad 2.67GHz Ram: 8.00GB Video: GeForce 9400GT HDD: 1TB OS: WinXPx64 I'll post what I actually paid for it soon enough...
I've seen laptops with more than that which run around 2000 USD.

100 + 200 + 100 + 90 + 50 + ??? = 550 ish?

Why did you buy an OS? Windows 7 is free and you can just buy that when it comes out.

Did one of your friends sell you their old PC?

Google says $350.

But really it doesn't matter. They depreciate almost immediately to less than the cost of disposal. They are one of the worst capital investments a company must buy.

Ultimately a computer is a tool with very little intrinsic value.
Used or new?

Used I wouldn't pay more than $400-$500. New, I would expect to pay closer to $800 if you build yourself, probably $1200-$1500 if you buy pre-built.

The $350 thing that was quoted was barebones, your OS is the most expensive thing on your list.
$450, It depends on how much used/how old.
It's amazing how computers devaluate in price. I've a quad core for sale (1 y ld) and expecting not getting more than $350-$400 for it.
I paid 650 USD and so far it is the fastest pc I have been on took only 5 minutes to install windows after the BSoD copy screen.
Quote: It's amazing how computers devaluate in price. I've a quad core for sale (1 y ld) and expecting not getting more than $350-$400 for it.

It's to be expected from a product which is so deeply proliferated in the market, and which becomes obsolete so quickly. I thought my computer was a high end PC gaming bastard when I wrote down it's specs, but everyone had something better by the time the shop finally finished it :(.

[Edited by - WazzatMan on August 9, 2009 10:52:54 AM]
Out of curiosity, why did you go with XP x64 when the 64-bit edition of Vista is pretty much universally regarded as being better? Stigma?
clb: At the end of 2012, the positions of jupiter, saturn, mercury, and deimos are aligned so as to cause a denormalized flush-to-zero bug when computing earth's gravitational force, slinging it to the sun.
Quote: Original post by InvalidPointer
Out of curiosity, why did you go with XP x64 when the 64-bit edition of Vista is pretty much universally regarded as being better? Stigma?

Its funny how "universally" never quite mean what you think it would mean. Usually its "universally among the people who agree with me". I, for instance, dont know a single person that would pick vista over xp.

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