Original post by CodaKiller
I really don't understand why people like to read story books, they simply bore me and don't seem to have any useful information.
How much have you read and what kind of stuff did you read that bore you? Any idea what it was about the books that didn't seem fun to you? Maybe you're just one of those people that doesn't like to read, but then I think most of those people just haven't found something they like yet.
I really don't like much music.
Same as above. I find it hard to believe you don't like any music. So what do you like? How much effort have you expended trying to find music you do like? Have you ever tried learning any kind of instrument in your life and if so what did you or did you not like about it?
I watch movies once in a while and I enjoy them but I'm not really that interested in them honestly.
No ones asking you to be a professional movie critic. It does give you a common ground with other people to discuss things though.
I like video games because I enjoy them and like making them.
You should attempt to expand your vocabulary when discussing why you like things because you're being a little tautological right now. Here's how I'd answer that question:
I like to play video games because I like the near instantaneous reward structure that I don't get much in regular life. Having clear goals and being able to redo when I screw up is nice. But, in addition to that (I get near instantaneous rewards from other things like reading, listening to and playing music, and other things), I also have a fairly large amount of inertia and nostalgia built up from my past enjoyment of games when I was younger, for instance in my enjoyment of the Final Fantasy series and other types of role-playing games, shooters, and puzzle games. Speaking of puzzle games, I enjoy solving problems as I get satisfaction from figuring things out, not just in games but with friends and at work. This is another component of video games that give me rewards. And even beyond this when you have the right group of friends you can get together to play some multiplayer games together.
As for music, I like it because sometimes the combination of lyrics and instrumentation strikes me in a very deep, sublime way. It's a social thing for me too as I was in various school-sponsored bands in my life which introduced me to a lot of music I wouldn't hear on the radio. I even had a child-hood dislike of musicals that eventually gave way to being enthusiastic about some musicals, thanks in part to taking a few classes on drama and theater in high school. In my efforts to be sociable I actually tried out and got some parts in some plays and musicals.
I could keep going, but you get the idea. I could also describe why I don't really go in for watching or playing sports (summary: it's not because I think they're stupid it's because I thought that way when I was younger and bad at sports and mostly inertia against ramping up a desire for liking them today). So you see, it can be helpful to be able to analyze in a more deep way why you might like or dislike something.