
Looking for good library..

Started by July 20, 1999 09:37 PM
1 comment, last by Enjolras 25 years, 7 months ago
Hi Enjolras,

Well there is nothing like making your own then you can be sure that it works the way you want it too.

Since you want something fast maybe making your own wouldn't make much since. I recommend checking out TranSend. Check it out at . I think you will find that it has everything you need unless you need api's to download files from standard servers like ftp and http.


Richard Rice
GameSpy Industries
I need to add a down and dirty multiplayer implementation into a small project i'm working on, FAST. I've used DirectPlay in the past and I really don't want to go down that road again, so i'm wondering if there are any good libraries for this sort of thing already available, to save me the trouble of having to do it myself?


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