Is this a dead forum?
I don't think its dead yet. I expect I'll be posting some stuff up here soon as I get to the AI part of my new project, maybe asking for advice, maybe giving it.
Ahh, but can an AI forum really be alive in the first place?
Some would argue that this forum is just a collection of zeroes and ones, and was never truly "alive..."
Mason McCuskey
Spin Studios
Founder, Cuttlefish Industries
The Cuttlefish Engine lets anyone develop great games for iPad, iPhone, Android, WP7, the web, and more!
The Cuttlefish Engine lets anyone develop great games for iPad, iPhone, Android, WP7, the web, and more!
Its only dead in the sense that nobody has anything productive to say... Including me actually. | Automated GL Extension Loading: GLee 5.00 for Win32 and Linux
dead or not, don't put it in the deadbook. Someday, someone's going to want info on AI and it won't be here. Like me.
Just that AI's one of the last things that people think about...
Just that AI's one of the last things that people think about...
JeranonGame maker wannabe.
A lot of more technical forums need specific topics of interest to come alive, then they lay dormant until the next topic comes. That seems to be the way this forum is going as most people settle with really simple AI tricks (or havent even gotten there yet).
It will be here when needed though.
Of note, the forum doesnt have a moderator, and often that makes a big difference. Someone who can throw out ideas for discussion and answer any questions quickly is a big help for keeping a forum active.
Moderators are appointed by us. I've been trying to find a moderator for this forum. Because I knew that it would likely be less active than the others, I've wanted to find someone who is high profile in the game AI community to help spark discussion. The people I have contacted so far haven't been able to commit, so the search continues. If anyone has any recommendations, or if you feel you fit the profile, let me know.
- Dave
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