
AI Scripting Languages

Started by September 08, 1999 11:08 AM
0 comments, last by MikeD 25 years, 5 months ago
I'm trying to decide on a format for scripting the AI of agents in an RPG.
What kind of formats have people used in the past and what were good and bad features.

Control Vs. Complexity
Level of natural language Vs. Code size

What is it you would look for or find useful.


Level of natural language Vs. Code size : It can be useful to write something like natural language, because it's much easier to understand what happens, but if you write a hugh RPG with many NPC's, it can easily become really big. Understanding shouldn't be such a big problem, because you define the commands and you should have them in mind. IMO you should use something in the middle, not too big but yet easy to understand. It can be really hard to find the right way, but something between this two possibilities should be the best.

So IMO the best is something small & complex, but still easy to read, so you should use a standard syntax for any commands and use just as few commands as you need.


Skullpture Entertainment

[This message has been edited by NuFAN (edited September 08, 1999).]

Graphix Coding @Skullpture Entertainment

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