
A little help testing a program...

Started by March 03, 2009 04:34 AM
2 comments, last by mikeman 15 years, 8 months ago
I am in the process of creating a new game, and since there has been a problem running it in one computer, I figure I would ask the kind folks of gamedev to test them in their systems. I think it's better to catch and rectify those problems early. Anyway, if you want to offer some minutes of help, download the rar file I link, extract it somewhere and run C4.exe. You are supposed to be in a red-lit room with 3 balls on the floor, move around with WASD, use Q to attract the balls and E to repulse them. If you do this, please post back to tell me the results,positive or negative. If you run and you do not see this, be kind enough to give me some info like OS, hardware etc. Here is the link: Test Program Thanks in advance! [Edited by - mikeman on March 3, 2009 4:59:41 AM]
almost runs under Linux with wine-1.1.4 (briefly opens window), but complains it cannot initialize sound system and needs latest directx, and exits. Is it using DX 10 or DX 9 ?
Window pops up and then an error box saying :
The engine was unable to initialize the sound system.
Please make sure you have the June 2008 (or later) version of Direct X installed.
Also make sure you have a sound driver installed.

I have august 2008 sdk installed.There is no sound card only the one on the mofo and drivers are installed.
Hm... This happened to one other computer too, but I installed the latest DirectX runtime and it was resolved. The unresolved problem involves the window opening, but nothing showing up. Thanks for the info guys.

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