Original post by Chris Reynolds
I'm not solely basing the recent economic troubles on this one particular tax, it's all the taxes and uncertainty that obama is bringing. In the past 5 weeks it has become clearly evident that obama's new policies are scaring investors and slowing the recovery process. True, obama did inherit a recession but it has become considerably worse with the introduction of the policies.
From election day until now, the DOW has dropped nearly 3000 points, with the steepest drop occuring just this past month.
There is hardly any doubt in my mind that America will see the fault in electing obama over the next 6 months. And when that day comes, I believe I will be the one saying "told you so".
I fully hope I don't have to say that as I'm 20 years old, and obama's future is my future. But this spending and taxing is out of control. If I were born in the year 0 A.D. and spent a million dollars every day for 2009 years, it would still not amount to the amount of spending in the stimulus bill.
I want my instant fix and I want it now! Have you considered that the stock market might be tanking right along with the employment figures? Or that they might be tanking because the Obama administration hasn't faced up to the inevitability of nationalizing the banks? Your complaint reminds me of the yarn that since it's snowing there's no climate change. It took America five years to see their mistake in electing Bush, a year since reelecting him. The abysmal federal response to Hurricane Katrina and the levy breaks in New Orleans made it abundantly clear to the public that Bush was out to lunch. Love him or hate him, it's hard to imagine that Obama would have responded to calamities by sitting on his hands, or flying to Arizona to celebrate John McCain's birthday. And let's not forget Iraq, a preemptive war, a war of choice, a war that cost as much as the stimulus bill and will cost us another $2 trillion in time. You'd have to go back to 6500 BC and spend a million bucks a day to equal that. Many of us said "I told you so" on that one. Here's the difference though, for the borrow and spend associated with that war, we've gotten nothing for it. Worse, it's been a drain because we've gotten wounded soldiers and a reputation for torture from it. In contrast, with the tax and spend associated with the stimulus package and the new budget, we'll at least get new roads, bridges, schools and so on. The war was an investment in destruction. The stimulus is an investment in production. And we'll still have to pay for the Iraq war too.
You're 20 years old. Do you make more than $250k per year? If not, don't worry about tax increases.
At any rate, it sounds like you've gotten caught up in the Republican public relations plan targeting Obama. Check this out:
Exposing The Rightwing PR Machine: Is CNBC’s Rick Santelli Sucking Koch?. There's more at that site taking down the nascent anti-Obama astro-turf campaign.
"I thought what I'd do was, I'd pretend I was one of those deaf-mutes." - the Laughing Man