Original post by _Austin
middle east war that we have today is prolonged to 2125
Ok, this is what through me off... prolong means to draw out, to lengthen. So, the context in which you used the word is wrong, by saying that the war was prolonged until 2125 from today means that it lasted that long.
You should be able to circumvent this misunderstanding by coming up with a little bit more of a back story such as that a treaty ended the current war in, let's say 2012, but due to an act of terrorism supported by a country/faction (which ever you may have) the treaty was broken in 2125 causing said nuclear holocaust.
Either way it does sound like a pretty cool story, though I can't really seem to find anyplace for time traveling. I also feel you are getting close to Fallout 3 territory, but no one said you can't have similar environments, right?
I would like to ask though, what genre do you plan on this game being in? FPS/RTS/RPG or what?
- Austin
Hehe sorry, english is not my primary language, well what i have on the world´s background is something like this...
-Terrorrist atacks were very frequent at the time against what we can call "freedom countries"
-those acts resulted in retaliation fro countries like USA or England
-The retaliation was very bad planned, and ended up killing civilians
-So the middle eastern countries joined forces on a nuclear atack against the USA and the allied countries, most situated in Europe and asia.
-all of that resulted in a nuclear war, adding that in the background many of the middle eastern countries have developed secret nuclear researches along the years.
can be compared to Fallout 3, but in the end it is not a total apocaliptic scenario, what i want is a divided world as i stated before, with a good part of society privileged due to their "know how" and will to save humanity and on the other side people that survived the attacks and ended up in third world countries as refugees, overpopulating the area.
The time travel concept it´s the only way to save humanity, researched by those privileged people on huge research installments, that could hold a very large amount of people, those beeing spread all arround the world, while the main plot evolves in one specific installment. The idea is that the world doesn´t have enough resources to afford to mankind, and in a daily basis hundreds of thousands die of starvation or other effects that a nuclear war could bring, so the only option to save everyone is for somehow avoid the war to happen, and the only option is time travel.
I have many chapters sketched already, in very distinct events in history, from the 20th century to the 22nd, many scenarios that could have influenced in the result of a nuclear war in the 22nd century, but thats pretty much sketched yet.
Im still working on a background story for the time travel, like how it was created, by who and when, but fow now im still focusing on finishing the world background picture.
I am thinkign on a Co-Op Third Person shooting game, but here, you don´t have a fixed partner, there is the main character and on every mission that takes you to a diferent time you by some event find a partner that will help you to the end of a chapter, and that character will be in the role of the chapter, participating deeply on the story.
Thx for the feedback guys.