
A Bloody Drama: would like some feedback

Started by October 11, 2008 11:31 AM
2 comments, last by MSW 16 years, 2 months ago
I am currently working on a dramatic story. It takes place in an entirely fictional world that I made myself. The story revolves around 2 people, one man, one woman. The two are unknowingly [at first], descendants of 2 different gods. The man, the descendant of a demon god. The woman, the descendant of a warrior god. The gods have opposed each other since the beginning of time and to this day, they fight each other using humans as proxies. Before the man and woman's destined fight, they fall in love, but are eventually forced to fight each other when the gods decide to possess their bodies directly. The woman ends up killing her loved one and the story ends there. That is about the gist of it. Of course, there is more to explain, but I don't want to confuse anyone and I don't want to present ALL of my plot elements until someone is actually interested in the above summary.
Are they really gods? or are they very powerful beings that ignorant beings consider gods? What kind of opposition is demon versus warrior? Why not earth god versus sky god? or earth god versus water god? or water god versus fire god? Does the man impregnate the woman before his death? If so what of the child? Are you setting forward a Hegelian dialectic? thesis + antithesis -> synthesis?

"I thought what I'd do was, I'd pretend I was one of those deaf-mutes." - the Laughing Man
The thing about Gods is people tend to spend more time proclaiming them than actually explaining what they are.

It's kind of sad really, it kind of turns Gods into plot holes and Deus Ex Machina all at the same time.

But, if it were up to me to write this story, I'd put the two opposing Gods as part of the life cycle, like birth and death.

So one is young eternally and the other can never die.

Sort of create a kind of creepy paradoxial relationship that causes the Gods to intervene, destroying the life cycle forever.
Then start the game from there by creating a lovechild out to set things right by killing zombie babies.
So if the fight between the man and woman is destined. Then are they destined to fall in love as well?...Not to mention that the outcome of the fight, then isn't the fact that she slays him must be destined too?

Which suggests the gods are not in control of themselves if they too are destined to fight each other...ergo, they arn't gods, rather they are mechanisams of the plot duitifully following the destiny set forth by the writer (true god in this universe).

Why does this man and woman fall in love? Why not this man and some other woman? Or this woman and several other men? What choice does either have, and what does love mean to them? Do they not love thier gods as well? And why should god like beings feel jealous because thier followers love each other more than them? Are the gods insecure? Or just mindlessly following the plot to its desined conclusion?

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