Problems installing DX7 SDK
Key Path:
Key : DXSDK Doc Path
Value: (string) Your DOC Path
Key : DXSDK Samples Path
Value: (string) Your Samples Path
Good Luck, I'm glad my SDK worked OK, it took me ten hours to download.
[This message has been edited by Zark (edited December 01, 1999).]
I have a problem: I've finally got the DirectX 7 SDK, but when I tried to install it onto my computer, it failed at the beginning while detecting the "previously installed components". The usual Winblows error message appears, everytime telling me there was an unrecoverable error (seems page fault)... The install process ends, and I can't get it to run! This came when I just reinstalled Windows 98 (first edition) onto a blank partition, so I'm sure that it doesn't depend on some software I have, or an old DX version installed (there was none!). I've also tried to install the SDK (it's on a CD) onto my other computer, with the same results... The same error always during the components detection, and the error window also tells me that the problem is on SETUPAPI.DLL.
Now, what I am doing wrong? Is it me, or is it just the SDK installation that's simply broken? Please help me!