D3D Tutorial
For instance-
"The Black Art of 3D Game Programming" and "Building a 3D Game Engine in C++" are both excellent 3D books (although the code is for DOS). "Windows 98 programming from the ground up" is a great book for learning Win32, and "Tricks of the 3D Windows Game Programming Gurus" will teach you DirectX (not D3D though). There isn't a good D3D Immediate Mode book out yet.
Don't you guys know any online resource on 3D programming at all. Anything would help...
- Splat
The following sites contain general 3D info. It is not D3D specific. Apart from the Win95GPE site which has the Mark Feldman D3D tutorial which is OK.
Don't worry about using your credit card at Amazon. I do it all the time.
Andre's Tricks of the 3D Windows Game Programming Gurus has got an extra chapter on the CD which covers D3D IM, probably not very much though. The rest of the book just covers 2D stuff. Read the reviews at Amazon. The next volume of the book is going to cover D3D IM totally, I think. It's a good book if you don't know any DX.
I'm waiting for Inside Direct3D by Microsoft. Their first book Inside DirectX was supposed to be excellent but I got Andre's Windows Game Programming for Dummies book instead.
One last thing, I came across those sites by using search engines such as altavista.com and yahoo.com. I'm sure you've heard of them before. They are VERY easy to use